Ch 17

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Third Person's POV

Slience slowly came in between Bethany and Pan.

No words escaped from their mouths nor has any movement occurred.

Pan continued to stand on the opposite side of Bethany blinking not once but twice to be sure that he wasn't dreaming. Bethany, however, stayed quiet wishing that she could run away before her tears run down her cheek.

It was all too quiet until Pan decided to move.

He slowly walked towards Bethany towering over her as he placed his thumb carelessly down her cheek. Then he wrapped his strong arms around Bethany's wasit pulling her closer to him before he leaned down resting his head on her shoulder.

" little Beth has returned. " , he said quietly.

Bethany wrapped her arms around Pan's neck and buried her face into his chest unable to speak a word. Pan lifted his head up stroking her short carmel hair with one hand and rubbing her back gently with his other hand.

" I'm sorry. " , she managed to say almost as a whisper.

" It's okay, love. I'm here now. " , Pan said softly.

After staying in that position for so long, Bethany finally poked her head out looking into the familiar green eyes.

" Call me Beth. " , she said softly nuzzling into his neck.

" I guess I'm back to being Panda. " , Peter softly chuckled.

" Can we go back to being us? " , Beth murmured

" Of course sleepyhead. " , Peter cooed.

It didn't take long for Beth to fall asleep.

Peter was prepared to take her into her own room, but decided to keep her with him. He slowly laid her down his bed wrapping the blanket around her as Beth snuggled into the pillow. Peter, on the other hand, got on the other side and nuzzled his face into Beth's neck before scooping her wasit into his arms.

A/N: Short chapter but I had to keep myself from crying while writing it ❤️

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