Ch 11

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Third Person's POV

Her ears caught the sound of slience. Her nose smelt dampness and fear. Her tongue tasted her own morning breath. Her hands moving slowly feeling bamboo leaves all twisted in a pattern. Her eyes slowly opened looking at the bars keeping her away from the danger that lurked in the woods.

" Where am I? " , she asked as she rubbed her head

" In a cage genius. " , a thick British accent answered.

" Thanks for pointing that out whoever you are. " , she rolled her eyes.

" You are in Neverland, love. " , the same cute accent.

" Wait? You mean the island ruled by a teenage boy? " , she wondered

" Nah, it's ruled by a toddler boy. " , the same accent answered sarcastically.

The girl's hand wrapped around the bars that kept her from freedom.

" Show yourself. " , the girl demanded

She heard the sound of heavy footsteps approach her seeing someone's high knee boots standing in front of her view. The knees were bent only to reveal a pair of emerald green eyes, messy brown hair, and perfect eyebrows with a smirk plastered on the face. The girl tlited her head with arms crossed.

" You must the ruler of Neverland. " , she said steadily " A teenage boy. "

" And you must be a trespasser. " , he said emotionless. " A teenage girl. "

" Yeah sorry, I didn't get my invitation in my mailbox. " , she said with sass.

" I don't know who you are. " , the boy spoke. " Not yet. "

" But I know who you are. " , the girl smirked.

" And who I am? " , the boy asked

" The teenage boy who locks up teenage girls for fun. " , she teased

" Haha..." , he rolled his eyes.

" Nice to know you find it funny. " , she chuckled.

" Back to business love, who are you and what are you doing on my island? " , he asked strictly

" I'm Bethany. " , she greeted him. " And I came for my own reasons. "

" Bethany? That's a pretty name. " , he nodded.

" Why thank you Peter Pan. " , she said

" And you already know who I am. " , Pan chuckled.

" The infamous Peter Pan. " , Bethany announced.

" That's me love. " , he smiled with rosey cheeks.

" haven't changed. " , she said quietly

" Change? I'm the boy who never grows up. I'm not suppose to change love. " , he chuckled.

" Well I'm pretty sure you had change at one point. " , she murmured

His eyes glared daggers at her as he crossed his arms.

" What brings you to Neverland, Bethany? " , he asked

" Adventure. I need some excitement in my life Peter. " , she said with a sly smile on her face.

" Don't call me that. " , he said sternly. " You are to call me Pan. "

" Pan? Like a frying Pan? " , she chuckled.

He slammed his fist on top of the cage causing it to shake a little making Bethany shake.

" I advise you keep your mouth shut before I leave you. " , he threatened.

She casually leaned against the walls with crossed arms giving him her full attention.

" Listen, I don't do well with visitors on my island. I don't like trespassors and I tend to get rid of them quickly. " , he sneered.

Her eyes widned. Her heart beating hard. Her skin crawling with goosebumps. Her lips trembling.

Bethany knew better than to mess with the teenage boy in front of her.

" I will do anything...just spare my life. " , she hesitated

" Anything? " , he smirked raising his eyebrow.

" Anything..." , she repeated.

A/N: Oh Bethany. Look what trouble you have gotten yourself too 😂 Guess we will have to find out what Peter Pan wants from her.

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