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Third Person's POV

Many days, weeks, months, and years have passed by for every night Peter Pan would visit little Beth.

Every night, Beth would keep her window open and snuggle into her bed pretending to fall asleep after her parents would leave the room. Her teddy bear was always with Beth no matter what and so, Beth would keep it with her waiting for Peter to come.

Her window would be wide open and then closed when she looked around and saw the bright green eyes staring back at her. She would get out of bed and run towards Peter hugging him tightly as Peter hugged her back smiling.

He would tell stories about Neverland and tell stories about his adventures in different relams as he held Beth in his arms, but then one day Beth was still awake in her room waiting for her Panda to come visit her, but little did she know that he had a surprise for her.

The window was open as a low squeaky sound was heard. Beth quickly sat up against her bed and smiled as she saw Peter stand in front of her bed. Beth held her teddy bear tight as she ran towards Peter giving him a hug.

" I missed you Panda! " , Beth said

" I missed you too Beth. " , Peter smiled

Peter then released Beth as he knelt down to her level and held her little hand without the teddy bear.

" Beth, I have been doing some thinking and well I want to tell you something. " , Peter said

" I'm listening Panda. " , Beth nodded

" Remember when we first met and you told me that you were waiting for me to take you to Neverland and I said no? " , Peter recalled

" Yes I remember. " , Beth nodded

" Well I have been doing some deciding and I have made up my mind..." , he smiled " I guess it wouldn't hurt to come to Neverland with me. "

" Really? " , she gasped

" Yes you can love. " , Peter chuckled.

" Oh Panda! Thank you! Thank you! " , Beth said hugging him tightly.

" No problem. " , Peter smiled as he kissed her head.

" When can I go to Neverland? " , Beth asked

" Right now " , Peter stated

" Can I take my teddy bear with me? " , Beth asked

" Of course. " , Peter replied

Beth jumped up and down giggling in excitement doing her victory dance as Peter chuckled and smiled at her reaction.

" Ready to go, love? " , Peter asked holding his hand out.

" Ready as I will ever be, Panda! " , Beth giggled holding his hand.

Peter blew on green pixie dust over them.

" Think happy thoughts. " , Peter said softly as he started to float above the floor.

Beth closed her eyes and smiled as she started floating above the ground. She opened her brown eyes and breathed heavily in excitement.

" Okay Beth. Now hang on to me okay? " , Peter assured

" I will. " , Beth nodded.

Peter held Beth's hand tightly as he guided her out of her room and towards the night sky overlooking the city of London.

" Panda, this is so high! " , Beth exclaimed

" Well yes it is. " , Peter smiled

" We are flying! We are acually flying! Weeeeeeeeeeee " , she giggled pulling Peter along.

" Okay Beth, let me lead please. " , Peter said

" Okay Panda. " , Beth comfirmed

Peter led Beth passed along the tall buildings as they soar through the clouds.

" Panda, how do we get to Neverland? " , Beth asked with curiosity

" Well it's second star to the right and straight on till morning. " , Peter stated as they disappeared into the clouds in the night sky.

A/N: Where is your sense of adventure my fellow readers? Ha! Well I hope you all have a great journey reading my book! ❤📖

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