Ch 7

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Third Person's POV

" Beth, why aren't you asleep? " , Peter asked raising his eyebrow

" I just wanted one more hug from Panda..." Beth said quietly. " But I guess Pan is what you are called around here. "

" Love, you can call me Panda. It's cute. " , Peter said softly. " Everyone else has to call me Pan. "

" Is it true? " , Beth asked changing subjects

" What do you mean? " , Peter asked pretending to be clueless.

" Is it true that you are using me and that you are going to keep me here in Neverland
forever? " , Beth specifically asked

" Love, I'm not using you. I just really appreciate you believing in me unlike others and I thought that Neverland would be your new home since you have been here for a while love. " , Peter carefully explained

" Okay...then explain why you are hurting my friend. " , Beth asked crossing her little arms with her teddy bear in her hand.

" Love, Felix is being punished because he got in trouble for disobeying me earlier. " , Peter explained

" But...but have his heart in your hand..." , Beth said pointing to the red glowing heart in his hand. " You were going to crush it...meaning that if you crush his heart, then...Felix- "

" Beth, enough! " , Peter said frustrated " I want you to go back to your room and forget that you saw any of this. "

" But- " , she started

" No ifs, ands, or buts. " , Peter strictly said. " I'm asking nicely, so leave. "

Beth walked up towards Peter dragging her teddy bear along as she went on her tippy toes and pulled Peter's arm down. Then she grabbed the heart as she walked towards Felix  and bent down to where she tried to put the heart back to Felix's heart.

She huffed and puffed struggling to place the heart back into the chest until Peter came from behind and pushed it back in for Beth. Felix breathed heavily regaining his strength as he gave a small smile to Beth.

Beth smiled back but then sighed as she walked away from the scenery. Peter stood still not saying a word.

" You should go after her. " , Felix said getting up from the floor.

" She hates me now. " , Peter mumbled

" Just talk to her about it Pan. She is only a little girl. She will understand. " , Felix assured him

Peter nodded as he left the camp walking after Beth. Meanwhile, Beth was already settled in bed holding her teddy bear close to her before she heard the door open allowing Peter to come in.

" Beth, let me explain please. " , Peter sighed sitting on the edge of her bed.

" No need to. " , Beth shook her head.

" Beth, I do need to. You don't understand. " , Peter said.

" Of course I don't. I'm just the little girl who will always believe you no matter how many lies you tell. " , Beth said quietly.

" No. No don't say that. Beth, everything I tell you is because of your own safety. I care about you. " , Peter said softly

" Safety from what? " , Beth asked

" Me..." , Peter confessed as he put his head down. " They call me Pan because it's an order and not a choice. "

" So you are a villian..." , Beth mumbled.

" You heard about me? " , Peter asked

" Yes I have..." , Beth nodded.

" Beth, I'm not going to hurt you. I care and love you. You are my little lost girl and I enjoy having you around. " , Peter said holding her hand.

" But you hurt other people. " , Beth whimpered as she slowly kept her hand away from Peter's hand with tears streaming down her cheeks.

" Beth, please don't cry. " , Peter said fighting his tears from coming down.

" If you care about me and love me, will you do me a favor? " , Beth asked quietly

" Anything to make you happy. " , Peter said giving her a weak smile.

" Take me back home. Take me back to my home in London. Take me back to my real family. " , Beth requested

" But Beth, the lost boys and I are your family. Neverland is your home. " , Peter reminded her

" No it is not. " , Beth shook her head. " Just take me back please. "

" O-okay..." , Peter croaked out. " I will take you back tomorrow morning. "

Beth nodded as she snuggled under the blanket and fell asleep. Peter continued to sit there as tears rolled down his red, puffy cheeks as his heart slowly shattered into pieces for his love towards his little lost girl.

A/N: Omg this brought me to tears writing this chapter. Poor Peter. It will get better soon. ❤️

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