Ch 15

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Third Person's POV

Later that evening, Bethany leaned against a tree with crossed arms. She watched the lost boys dancing and making noises around Pan, who sat on a log near the fire playing his pipe. Felix sat next to Pan glazing his eyes to the fire who swooshed back and forth dancing along to the irresistible music coming from the pipe.

As he was playing his pipe, Pan turned his attention to Bethany who had no interest in joining the celebration. He met her mysterious, brown eyes only to be looked away from him. m
" Must you be so harsh on her, Pan? " , Felix asked

" I wasn't harsh. " , Pan defended himself. " I was just giving her an order. "

" Yeah, an order that included yelling and harsh words. " , Felix shook his head.

" Why do you even care Felix? " , Pan asked him

" Because her face is familiar, Pan. I swear that I have seen that face before and I'm sure that you recognize her. " , Felix simply explained.

" Well she does look familiar, but I'm not interested. " , he shook his head.

" Pan, why must you distance yourself when it comes to girls. " , Felix asked with a sigh.

" Because every girl leaves me. " , Pan mumbled.

" Well I mean P—" , he started


Every lost boy froze in place directing their attention towards Pan. Bethany looked up at the scenery Pan created as he looked around before growling and leaving camp with his fist clenched and his eyes darkening.

" Okay then, well come on boys lights out. Pan will be better tomorrow. " , Felix said.

Nobody questioned what they have just witnessed. The lost boys placed their sticks and stuff down before taking out the fire and disappearing into their tents. Felix stood still making sure that no boy was left behind before his glare turned towards Bethany as she approached him.

" What did you do? " , Bethany asked

" I just brought up something that he doesn't want to talk about. " , Felix sighed. " It was my fault, but don't worry Pan will be better tomorrow. Just let him cool down. "

" Okay. " , Bethany said quietly before watching Felix leave.

After having many debates between her mind and heart, Bethany has finally decided that she was going to find Pan and talk to him.

She left the camp and walked a familiar path that led her to Pan's treehouse. She remembered that Felix's wise words from before.

" Never go inside Pan's treehouse without his permission."

However, she decided to test it.

It was late at night, and Bethany could tell that Pan was asleep just by the appearance of his lights turned off and the door closed. Bethany slowly turned the knob open making only a few sqeaks causing her to freeze in place.

The result came from Pan stirring in his sleep. She successfully closed the door quietly and tipped toed towards Pan's bed watching the villian sleep peacefully and innocently in his cozy looking bed, but there was one thing that caught Bethany's attention. Pan held an old and stuffed teddy bear tight in his arms holding it close to his chest with his arms wrapped around it like a child afraid of losing his only friend. Bethany had to keep herself from giggling watching him stir in his sleep holding the teddy bear tight in his arms.

She decided to leave at the point, not wanting to bother him, yet she still struggled to hold her giggles. As clumsy as she was, she accidentally knocked down some items that sat on Pan's desk.

The items crashed towards the floor making the unwanted noises that made Bethany stayed in place. She looked towards her right to see Pan not moving a muscle, for he continued sleeping. She sighed in relief as she carefully and quietly picked up the items from the floor and placed it back on his desk where it belonged.

After that, she walked towards the door relieved to know that she was safe from the dreaded hands of Pan's anger. She placed her hand wrapped around the knob ready to escape, only to find out that the door wouldn't open.

" How can a door be locked from the inside? " , Bethany whispered to herself struggling to open the door.

" Because you aren't leaving love. " , the thick British accent answered.

A/N: Uh oh. Bethany is in trouble now! What will happen to Bethany? Will Pan have to punish her? Just wait until the next chapter 😜

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