{Chapter 19}

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My phone rang loudly in my ear from underneath the pillow. I groaned as my favorite All Time Low song filled the room. I pulled the blankets closer over my head, trying to ignore the ringing. I sighed in relief when the ringing ceased and the phone went back to a nice black screen again. I cuddled closer into my warm blanket, slowly falling back asleep. I cursed to myself and sat up when the ringing started again. I sat up with a sigh of frustration. The light was filtering in my window, between the deep blue curtains, leaving a line of light on the coffee colored carpets. I grabbed my phone off the charger and clicked talked.

"What do you want, asshole, I was asleep!" I snapped, rubbing a hand down my face. I was kind of stubbly, I needed a shave.

"Morning to you too, sweetheart," my friends voice said back sarcastically, though his thick Holmes Chapel accent made it sound to friendly.

"The fuck do you want, Styles?"

"God, whose got your undies in a twist?"

"Shut up and just answer me." I said as I rolled out of bed, pulling my sweatpants on over my boxers. I stretched, giving my limbs a crack before I walked from my room. I walked down the small narrow hallway and into my favorite room, the computer room. I smiled at my lovely acoustic sitting in the corner as I sat in the computer desk. The books behind me mocked me. I wasnt much of a reader, more of a gamer. My point was proven as I pulled Slender up on the screen.

"Lou and I were planning a trip. Wanted to see if you and the lads wanted to tag along?"

"Gonna bring your girlfriend of yours?" I teased.

"Shut up."

"Did you ever tell that girl you liked her?"

"No, I have a girlfriend." Harry murmured and I could practically hear his eyes rolling through the phone.

"Look, mate, I know you don't like this girl. Why ya with her?"

"Kate doesn't like me, I thought we went over this." He sighed. "Forget about all that, are you coming or what?" He was starting to get impatient.

"Where are you going?" I asked and nearly screamed as the white faceless Slender killed me. Three damn notes, this game was shit. "Oh good god!"

"I... are you playing Slender again?"

"Pshh, no of course not!"

Harry chuckled on the phone and I'm sure he was shaking his head. I smiled to myself. "We were planning to go camping."

"Camping? I'm not really... an outdoorsey person, Har, you know that."

"It'll be fun! C'mon!"



"But, I-um.. Oh shit, I got nothing."

"Please! Michael, please! I havent seen you and the other boys in ages!" Harry begged in a whiney voice, reminding me of a small child.

"Ugh, fine. I'll go."

"And the others?"

"I'm not leaving without their asses. I'll call them and get them to come along too."

"Yay! I'll book your flight for you. See you soon!"

I rolled my eyes as the line went dead.

What the fuck did I just get myself into?





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