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I'm sorry don't get too excited, this isn't an update. BUT PLS READ ON ITS IMPORTANT!

As some of you may or may not know, this fanfic is based off the horror movie, The Blair Witch Project.

If you didn't, now you know.

I figured out I enjoy making fanfics based off horror films.

So here is my question! Do you like the idea of another horror fanfic based off a horror film?

Another question!

Comment some good horror films if you like the idea. It has to be something that I can work with so don't put the Grudge bc I love the story line but honestly I wont be able to make it work. I was thinking about the Evil Dead. More woods. More cabins. But this time POSESSION YAY. I might just go ahead with the evil dead if no one comments. So if you have any horror movies in mind, comment them and I may watch them and stuff (: maybe I will make a fanfic of it ;)


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