{Chapter 16}

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Michael held my hand in his as we sat watching the sun set, making the trees look like they were on fire as flecks of red and orange, even a bit of pink, danced across the sky. I had never had sat to watch the sun set, I always thought it was a waste of time. Watching one day leave. What did that mean? How was the important? Today I realized how important a sun set was, how important each day was. One sun set meant it would soon be the start to a new day. One more day still lucky to be alive. One more day that I wasn't murdered. One more day with Michael.

"I've never watched a sun set before," I admitted to him quietly.

He glanced over at me curiously before nodding as if in understanding. "I have, once before. It was with my mother and father on the day of their anniversary. My dad got this idea that it would be special if they stayed up all night to watch the sun set and to see that they had made it fifteen years. But honestly it wasn't that special. It just made them really cranky later. I don't think they know I was watching too." Michael sighed and sat back, placing an arm around my shoulder to pull me closer. It was a small gesture but a nice one nonetheless.

I cuddled close into his chest, smiling up at him. "I'm sure it was still very special for them even if they were cranky." His low chuckle in my ear made my stomach do flips. "You can't deny you're a hopeless romantic." I teased.

He shrugged a bit, rolling his eyes but he was still smiling. "Nah, not all that much. Maybe I can be for you, though."

I grinned up at him happily, just enjoying the time we had left together. "I love you just the way you are. You don't have to change, Michael." He was silent for a moment as he let the words slowly sink in before he looked away, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. "What?" I asked as I sat up a bit, pulling away from his arms.

His eyes slowly found mine again and he shook his head. "I've just.. I've never said.. I've never been-" He sighed running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry, I'm bad with words."

I shook my head smiling, understanding exactly what he meant. "No, no.. I-I haven't either."

He looked up and into the now darkened sky, his arm tightening around me, shielding me from the cold. "Do you regret saying it to me? Wasting it like that?"

"Waste? It wasn't a waste Michael. I love you." I told him again in reassurance.

He smiled up at the stars, his eyes had a certain sparkle in them now, under the moonlight. "I love you too." He turned his face to look at me giving me a smile. I smiled back and without thinking, I leaned toward him.

I flushed when his lips connected with mine, making the world around us melt. The trees slowly dissappeared, everything that was happening was slowly pushed to the back of my mind. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me until I was straddling his waist, leaning down to kiss him again. He smiled into the kiss, his hands resting on my back. His pulled back with a smile, licking his lips.

"We should probably get back."

"Yea, I guess so." I bit my lip in thought before I rolled off him, standing up. Michael stood up after me, grasping my hand. A low growl send a shiver down my spine. "Did you.. did you hear that?"

"What? Hear what?"

"I.. I dont know. I thought I heard something." I looked around, pulling myself closer to Michael, peeking around him. I stopped when I saw pair of yellow eyes. "Michael.." I whispered. He turned slowly and peered at the eyes.

"Go." He told me, giving me a light push.

"What is it?"

"I think its a wolf.."

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