{Chapter 12}

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Unedited, sorry asdfghjkl


{Chapter 12}

Niall had his head placed in my lap as he slept. Niall had migrated to mine and Michael's tent, using the excuse of the fear of being alone. But I knew it was the pains in his chest, the hurt and numbness of losing Natalie that brought him here. I had sung him to sleep again. He hadnt eaten since yesterday and didnt even complain. Thats how I knew it was Natalie's dissappearance that was affecting him. If he was afraid, he would eat the fear away. It was scaring me. He was so emotionless. I hadnt slept at all. I was too worried about Michael and Niall. As I said, Niall had his head in my lap, his body curled up in a ball under his blanket. Michael and I were sharing his blanket, Michael cuddled up against me. And let me tell you, it was damn hot. But I didnt want to wake them, so I suffered.

The sun was finally beginning to rise and my whole body was so still from not moving and recieving no rest. Michael moved around in hus sleep and kneed Niall in the back; thats how close to me they both were, causing Niall to snore loudly and move around and twist around. He shoved his face into my stomach and I tried not to laugh. It looked funny. When Niall swung his arms around my body, I tried to squirm away. He was crushing me! I pried his arms off of me and shoved him back a bit until he was in his sleeping bag rather than sprawled across my lap. When I looked down to check on Michael, I saw green eyes fixed tiredly on my face.

"Why are you awake? The sun is still asleep.." Michael muttered as he rubbed his eyes. I smiled a bit and smoothed out his hair that was sticking out everywhere due to his restless sleep.

"I couldnt sleep." I told him in a whisper.

"At all?" He asked propping himself up on his elbows. I shook my head as he let out a yawn. "So you didnt sleep all night?"

"Nah, I watched over you two. I was worried." I smiled a bit when he leaned closer, fixing the blanket around me as he sat up to sit beside me. He locked his eyes on me and he didnt answer for a long time. It started to make me nervous. "Um.. You okay?"

He looked away quickly and stared at Niall, though he wasnt really seeing him. "Yeah. Im fine. Sorry."

I stared down at my hands, feeling a bit tired now. I had to stay awake now, though. I wanted to. I wanted to stay with Michael. "Michael?"

"Mm?" He asked looking up at me.

"Will you stay with me?"

"What do you mean, Kate?" He searched my face for an answer in confusion. The way he said my name, the way it fell off his lips, sent a thrill through me.

Without thinking about it, I took his hand in mine. "Stay with me. I dont want to be alone anymore."

He glanced at our hands before smiling at me. He pulled me closer, until I was leaning against his chest. "Of course. I'll stay with you."

"Thank you," I said folding myself into his arms. I felt so safe and warm. We stayed like this in silence for a while. Until the sun was out. But it was a comfortable silence.

"Kate..?" Michael whispered as not to wake Niall, hesitation clear in his voice.

"Hmm?" I whispered back. I felt my eyes getting heavy and let them close as I cuddled closer to him. His arms tightened around me and I could hear his heart racing in his chest.

Michael took a deep breathe to steady himself, I could feel him shaking slightly. Was he cold? "I love you, Kate." He whispered, sounding brave now.

"I love you more, Michael." I whispered back drowsily.

He kissed my forehead as he whispered, "I love you most."

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