{Chapter 8}

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((If you want to know what I listened to while writing this, it was a lot of 5SOS to get me in a Michael/Luke state of mind. Beside You made me cry while writing this I-))

{Chapter 8}

Michael's POV:

Harry and Niall grabbed Zayn, helping him to stand. Kate still looked a bit shaken from all of this, but seemed relieved that Zayn was alright. Natalie shared a look with Selena before they followed along behind their boyfriends. Kate came back to me and took my hand. Ashton gave me a small wink before grabbing Luke's wrist and tugging him away from us. Kate pulled me forward keeping me close. I felt a bit special that she chose to hold my hand instead of Liam's. Calum and Liam walked behind us, I hoped Liam eavesdropped. Maybe he would hear sonething he didnt like.

"What are we going to do?" Kate whispered. "We're stuck here."

"We will make it," I assured her with a small smile. She stared up at me and shook her head. I squeezed her hand a bit. "As long as we stick together."

"We will have to put Zayn with Liam and Ashton. I dont want anyone alone." I saw Selena and Natalie glance over their shoulders at us. They slowed down to walk beside us.

"Why not Zayn with us?" I offered. It might make her feel safer. I mean, she did know him quite good.

"He-I dont think he, er, likes you very much..." She blushed looking down.

Natalie coughed to try to hold in her laugh as I looked at Kate cluelessly. "Why?" Selena didnt hide her laugh, which irritated me. I gave her a glare and she silenced immediatly. She and Natalie began to whisper to each other. I heard my name a few times but chose to ignore it.

"Well, in a way he's kind of my ex." She said awkwardly.

"Wait...are you saying he's jealous because I like you?" I said the words too quickly before I could stop myself. My cheeks flooded red and I regretted opening my mouth. God dammit.

"What?" She asked with wide eyes.


"What did you say?"

"What did I say? I didnt say anything. What did YOU say?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Michael..." She said impatiently.

"Kate..." I copied her tone perfectly and she smiled. Natalie and Selena giggled beside us and I shot them another glare which only made them giggle more. Idiotic girls. I looked back down at the other idiotic girl beside me. The one who was staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"So...you like me, huh?" She gave a cheeky smile and my cheeks began to burn again.

"What gave you that strange idea?" I said quickly, looking away.

She flashed a smile that I caught out of the corner of my eyes. "You did, Michael."

"Giiiirl, you is crazy!" I said chuckling nervously. I heard Liam scoff behind us.

"Michael," she prompted.

"Thats my name, babe, dont wear it out. Unless you wanna wear it out in bed, then say it nice and slow." I purred leaning down to whisper in her ear.

She squeaked, a very cute sound which made me smile, and yanked her hand away, smacking me on the stomach. "Pervert!" She said, though her cheeks were bright red. I laughed loudly causing Luke and Ashton to peek at us. We came to a stop back at the camp. Everyone stalked back to their tents in dissappointment. Ashton went to help Zayn grab his things. I scampered after Kate with a smile. I grabbed her stuff from her.

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