{Chapter 13}

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Hey guys! So I had a few requests in my messages and on my kik and ig to write down some songs I listened to while writing! Yay I feel kind of special haha jk. Anyway I listened to a lot but I will only list a few okay? (most of it was 5sos so Im only listing like one 5sos song EL OH EL)

Green Light-5SOS

Trespassing-Adam Lambert (kinda reminds me of this story a bit idk)

Get Down On Your Knees and Tell Me You Love Me-All Time Low

What Does The Fox Say-Ylvis (idk how to spell his name ahaha)

Bad Dreams-Calum Hood ;D <3

{Chapter 13}

Luke's POV:

"You alright, Luke?" Ashton asked for about the hundredth time. It was sweet that he cared enough to ask and make sure I was okay. I loved him for it. But I really just wanted him to shut up so I could sleep. His constant question made my thoughts spiral more than they were before I laid down to try to relax. Was I alright?

"I'm fine.." I sighed, kicking back the blankets. Maybe a quick walk would help.

"Where are you going?" Ashton snapped jumping up behind me.

"I need to use the...tree." I said with a small smile.

He gave a small smile back. "Be quick, mate. Or do you want me to come?" He frowned a bit at the thought of watching me pee. I had to cough to hold back my laugh.

"No, no. Its okay. I can urinate on my own, yea?" Ashton just nodded before I spun and exited the tent. It wasnt late yet, the sun was still slightly. Michael sat with Kate at the log circle, hands entwined, but a small awkward space between them. She was probably still mad from when Michael tried to claim Liam as the killer. But Liam could never be a killer. He was too gentle. I yelped when I lost my footing slightly and nearly fell. I saw Michael and Kate turn to look at me in confusion. I gave them an apologetic smile for ruining their.. moment? I glanced down to the ground to see what almost made me fall. I reached down to snatch the blue and purple handmade beaded bracelet. It had a heart and both Selena and Harry's names on it. It had to be Selena's bracelet. I took a peek around as I held the bracelet gingerly between my fingers. Maybe she had dropped it in all the commotion earlier? Yea that had to be it.

I stuffed the bracelet into my pocket. I would give it back the next time I saw her. I folded my hands behind my head as I walked, listening to the dirt and leaves under my feet. It was all very peaceful. I wasnt nearly as frightened or guarded as I should have been, especially with a killer running around. And I wasnt as affected about the whole Calum thing anymore. I was just happy because I knew I couldnt change anything that was to come. Soon it would be my turn. So why spend the whole time cowering in fear when I could relax and maybe start acting like I could handle it all. And hell, maybe I could.

Of course, I lied to Ash about going to pee. I really just wanted some time to think. I wanted to gather all my thoughts, toss them around for a bit. Then fold them away and tuck them in the back of my mind. It would be so much nicer. I thought about the boys for a minute. About Michael; how careless he was. How he dressed: like he was some punk idiot when really he was just one of those everyday nerdy kids who got teased for liking all that weird foriegn anime and video games. But Michael didnt take crap, so he ended up at the top. And then Ashton. He was like a small child sometimes. He could take any serious moment and turn it into just pure fun. Why didnt he do that now? When we needed it. Calum was always the one I had fun with most. He didnt force me into things the way Michael might, despite how long I'd known Michael. Michael was a bit pushy. Calum and I were both a go with the flow kind, so we fit together. And he never made me talk about how I was feeling when I didnt want to talk about it. Unlike Ashton, Calum knew where to draw that line. All in all.... Calum knew me like the back of his hand, and I was the same way with him, though I was like that with the other two as well. I was quite observant.

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