Protect you

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*5 days later*
Reagan is awake and well, but that doesn't mean I forgave myself for what happened. I've been watching her like a hawk and I can't help but to feel terrible every time she groaned in pain. She was walking again though. I sat in the kitchen with Marcel, Ariel, Tyler, and Lui. Ariel was running around trying to find someone or something to entertain her. Tyler was carving into the table with a knife. Marcel was spacing out to somewhere and I watched Ariel as she talked to Reagan on the couch. The plan was that we would stay here for awhile and wait for Reagan to heal then get back on the road.
"I say we start heading to North Carolina. It's colder there so less walkers" Tyler suggested. We nodded, "but it's going to be a long ride there and what if we run out of gas?" I asked.
"Evan I have a truck with a hook on it, we can just hook the van onto it and when the truck runs out then we'll take the van" everyone nodded besides me, I knew this was a bad idea but I nodded anyway. "Okay then its settled, we'll leave at 6, spread the word" he said standing up and leaving. I got up and sit by Ariel and Reagan. "Hey Re, hey ari" I said.
"Hi" Ariel said but Reagan was quite.
"Ari!" Marcel called and she got up and ran over to him. "Reagan, you've gone through so much. We all have, but that's what makes us stronger. I know you're mad at me for yelling at you, but you're only 8 (she turned a year older) and I can't let anything happen to you, especially when you do stuff that could get you killed. I promised your parents that I would protect you, but I can't do that if you're running into danger like that. I know how strong you are and I know how tough you can be, but you're to young to try and save everyone and everything. I love you to pieces and it would absolutely break my heart if you were to get killed. I would've never forgave myself". She looked at me and hugged me.
"I-I'm sorry Evan" she said crying. "It's okay, don't cry. I'm sorry I was so rough on you", she nodded in my shoulder. I rocked her until she fell asleep.

Sorry it's so short and took so long to upload. I literally have no excuse just that I'm lazy asf❤️

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