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I ran as fast a I could to the trailer, I busted the door open to see Reagan on the ground next to the table.
"Reagan?! Are you okay" I asked kneeling down to her while looking at Bryce who was now awake. "Y-Y-Yeah, I'm okay. I fell asleep at the table and fell" she said laughing under her breath. I laughed picking her up and setting her back at the table. Bryce laid back down after finding out everything was okay.
"Did you get any sleep?" I laughed under my breath and sitting down next to her.
"No, I kept thinking about daddy" she said looking down. I sighed sadly and rested my chin on my hand.
"I miss him" she said, "we all do" I said rubbing her back. "Do you have a dad?" She asked me, I wanted to get up and jump out of the trailer window but I didn't.
"Yeah, but I never see him anymore" I sighed out playing with my fingers.
"I don't know... he uh-just... left"
Reagan gave me a confused look and placed her chin on both of her hands. The sunlight hit her curly black hair and made it shine as her blue eyes glistened along with it.
I could tell be her her purple eye bags that she didn't get a good rest.
"You should probably get going to bed now" I said taking the pills out.
I slid her the glass of two day water that's been sitting on the table for what seemed like forever. I handed her two pink pills, she put them on her tongue and gulped down the water. "Okay, good morning Evan" she said getting up and crawling into the bed with Bryce. I tucked her in, "if you need anything just holler" I said nuzzling her hair. She nodded and I left. I started thinking about teaching Reagan how to use a gun, I know it sounds crazy but she has to learn. She's very short for her age and can get killed instantly out here with out self defense. When I first ever saw her I thought she was seven but she told me she was ten. I was jealous of her, she got to know her dad was dead when I however still don't. I know it sounds very self centered of me, I do miss Ryan dearly but I don't dare want to see my father ever again. I guess I'm just to scared to.

Sorry for the short chapter guys
Idubbbz fic coming soon
I also now have a tumblr so you guys can follow me on there @themagicowlhoodini

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