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I slowly open my eyes to hear muffled shrieks and cries.
I woke up again to be in the back of a truck and hear muffled voices.
I slowly opened my eyes to see a camp fire and people around it. I shook my head to wake myself up. I looked down to see my hands tied to a fence post behind me.
"H-Hey? Where the hell am I?!" I yelled trying to find clues.
The man with buzzed hair walked up to me and squatted.
"Morning sunshine" he said taking a bit out of the meat he was eating. It looked rotten like walker meat, gross.
"Please, I-I-I need to get back to my group" I said. "Sorry but that's not gonna happen see, your with us now" he said taking another chomp. "Let me free and we can talk about this" I said struggling.
"It's already been discussed, you join you live, you don't you die" he said standing back up.
I stayed silent, I knew how to get out.
I would wait for them to go to bed and that's when I'll escape. I couldn't help thinking about Reagan and Bryce. Were they okay? Is my group dead? I was exposed to protect these people but I failed, I'm sorry.
One by one they started to go to sleep, that's when my plan was put into action. I stood up, the fence post wasn't that long but damn they tied me up good. I kicked the post and it popped out of the ground. I maneuvered my arms under my thighs so they were in front of me now. The Asian looking man had a single grenade he was probably gonna use on us but it didn't end up happening. I grabbed the pocket knife the woman had and cut myself free. I then slid the knife into my belt. I took the buzzed haired mans rifle and my weapons back. I grabbed the bag they took with our supplies and added some of their food in it. Before I decided to head off I had to look around but I could just let these people get away with what they did. I would get back to that later. There was a small building next to them, I had to check it. There was a plank of wood between the two handles, I slid it out and opened the double doors to find the most horrific thing. Bodies on top of bodies, this was their "food supply", walkers. I immediately shut the door and decided I would carry on. I grabbed the grenade and started to walk away into the night but after taking a couple steps away. I looked down at the grenade and pulled the ring and tossed it over to the group. It took 8 seconds and the night filled with a bright fiery light. I smiled and carried on walking, alone, deserted, abandoned.

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