Deva stayed quietly in her chair fiddling with her fingers every once in a while as some of the girls got up to answer questions from the crowd. She didn't know how long they were out there, but she was already getting bored.

"Yes I have a question for the woman at the right end," a handsome man pointed to Deva.

She broke out of her bore trance and stared up at the man. His warm kind smile seemed forced. She knew a smirk was playing behind his lips like his intentions were nefarious. Deva went to the podium.

"May I ask you for your name beautiful lady?" The man's alluring voice was coated in sugar.

Was every male vampire this cocky? She thought only the brothers were like that because they were royals, but it seemed that theory was wrong.

"Deva," she leaned closer to the microphone.

"You were the one that Prince Darius took out for a night of dinner and dancing, if I'm not mistaken," he rubbed his chin.

"You are correct."

"How do you like our country?" Another reporter shouted.

"I feel like I can't answer that question honestly. I've been confined behind the walls of a palace. So far everything feels glamorous."

A few laughs were heard here and there. A woman with light brown hair raised her hand and spoke up before anyone else could. "Have you had your first vampire kiss yet?"

Deva felt like she was back in high school gossiping about stupid random guy crap. "Yes."

"From which prince?"

Perhaps the woman was reporting from the cosmopolitan magazine.

Deva grinned seductively before turned towards the gorgeous princes. She was betting every woman in their kingdom was jealous of her. They were the entire pack deal: sexy, royal, smart, powerful, and charming. Could she really spill the beans and claim she kissed two of the highly sought after bachelors?

"To be honest I can't quite recall," she turned back to the woman as she lied through her teeth. "They do awfully look alike so would you blame me if I got them mixed up."

That seemed to quiet down the woman and satisfy the rest of the crowd. Deva didn't like the bombarding of vexatious questions; so she raced back to her seat. Her almost escape was short lived when a man with sharp dagger eyes caught her attention.

"Do you wish to be queen?" His voice carried louder than a megaphone silencing the bustle.

She chose to speak the truth. "It's not the life I ever expected to have or would wish for myself."

"If you are chosen which prince would you choose?" She felt like his motive would soon be revealed.

"You can ask me that question if I become queen." Otherwise her lips were sealed.

The man's tall and dark figure loomed closer as he parted through the crowd. No one tried to stop him and when he reached the stage he asked, "Do you believe a pathetic human is worthy enough to rule our kingdom?"

Deva barely had time to gaze into his heated piercing green eyes before he disappeared. She felt rough hands grab her from behind yanking her violently while claws scrapped her throat.

Hot air caressed her ear and she heard his menacing voice taunt.

"Your kind only serve for one food." His sharp nails dug deeper into her skin drawing blood, but then all of a sudden his mere presence was gone. She no longer felt him behind her, and when she turned she saw that Lucian had teleported him a few feet away.

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now