"I will be hosting a small party with close friends and family in two days. All of you are invited." Her kind smile was strained. "I will see you then. You ladies are dismissed."

Julia followed Deva out of the room. "Hey, Deva thanks for giving me your request."

"No prob. You had better use for it than I did."

"Why didn't you take it?" Not even Julia could understand Deva's reasoning for things.

"They couldn't give me what I wanted."

Julia had requested a date with Marcus and he took her on a private boat. She gushed over every detail.

Deva also overheard Deana talk about her date with Darius and automatically had to walk off. She didn't to hear it. Her emotions were combusting and one small move could push her over the edge.

Deva walked into the library, not expecting anyone to be in there, but was quite surprised when she saw none other than the King himself. He was sitting on one of the comfy chairs with an antique book tucked in his hands. His eyes shot up, and Deva froze.

"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was in here."

"No need to apologize young one." He got up as she turned to walk right back out.

Being in the presence of a vampire king was not exactly the most ideal way for her to spend her time.

"Would you care for a brandy?"

The temptation was a terrible bittersweet weakness. The last drink she had felt like weeks ago.

"I never refuse liquor."

"Neither do I." He handed her the glass and gestured for her to sit. She did without complaint. How awful could it be?

"Were you just wandering the castle my dear?"

Deva took a strong bitter sip. "Yes sort of."

"Were you trying to avoid someone?" He looked into her eyes like he already knew what she was thinking or planning to do.

"Your sons actually."

"Yes, beastly things they are," he said with a musical laugh. Deva didn't think a man in his kind of position even knew how to laugh.

"May I ask you a question?"

He seemed intrigued and curious. "Of course."

She gulped the rest of the drink and felt the burn as it ran down her throat. That was definitely one of the smoothest brandies she had ever drunk. "What is it about Darius that you don't approve of?"

"I've told you once."

"Yes, but I think there is more to the story."

He placed his glass on the table and leaned back in his chair, getting a better look at her. "He is selfish and headstrong. He believes since he is first born that he will automatically inherit the throne. His pride is what is tearing him down and holding him back from being a king. He does not think of others before himself. For hundreds of years, I have watched him fall into the same situation, failing at every test I throw him. I don't believe he has it in him."

"You don't honestly believe that." Deva couldn't fathom how a father could poorly judge his own son.

"You're only taking his side because you two are very similar." She waited for him to elaborate. "You both wear masks but for different reasons. You try to ward people off while he tries to attract them. He wants people to love him and you want them to hate you."

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz