"You said you felt nasty and sticky. The only way to make it go away is to take a bath."

He carried her into the bathroom where she noticed the water running in the tub. It was steaming hot. Hopefully it would relieve her cramps a bit.

He placed her on the counter and unbuttoned her shirt. He kept his eyes directly on hers. She was impressed he didn't flinch away to snag a peek at her body. It was a major turned her on.

When he was down to the last button she placed her hands over his. "I got it from here."

"Are you sure?" His wicked smile appeared.

"Thank you."

He turned away without looking back and shut the door behind him. She undressed the rest of the way and got in. The water smelt like lavender and she realized he must have scented the bath with oils. Since when was he so attentive? It was cute and oddly romantic.

The pain eventually subsided and she felt clean enough to get out. But she had forgotten to grab clothes. Darius was way ahead of her. On the counter he had placed a black maxi dress for her to wear.

He was waiting for her at the table back in her room. "Better?"


"Good. I brought you some medicine for the pain and asked chef to make your favorites."

She was ecstatic to find the table equipped with spaghetti and garlic bread. "Thank you."

Maybe having him around wasn't going to be as bad as she originally thought. He wanted to pamper her and make her feel better. Deva never thought she'd live the day to have a vampire prince at her beck and call.

He let her eat in peace and handed her pills to drown the pain afterwards.

"What else will make you happy?"

She was loving the desire he had to please her. She was going to take full advantage of the moment.

"Ice cream, chocolate covered strawberries, and Moscato."

He catered to her list and notified the staff to bring up everything she wanted.

They ended up on the bed watching a movie and sharing a large bowl of ice cream. The pain might have evaporated but her bladder was full. Deva had finished an entire bottle of Moscato and was working on another glass. Unfortunately she had broken the seal and had to rush to the bathroom.

The movie credits were playing when she got back. She turned the radio on as another source of entertainment. The Weeknd was playing and her tipsy mind convinced her to dance along to the beat. Darius watched her sway her hips and lift the slits of her dress. Lust was a powerful factor drawing his eyes over every beautiful curve of her body.

 Lust was a powerful factor drawing his eyes over every beautiful curve of her body

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(This is the size of Deva's figure)

"Dance with me."

He shook his head but she wouldn't accept rejection. She pulled him off the bed and forced him to move his feet.

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now