Chapter 26

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I shoved past the teenagers in the hallway trying to make my way to my car where i forgot my sketch book for art class. I speed walked to my car and unlocked it, as i open the door i noticed something under my windsheild. i stopped what i was doing and picked up the torn note and opened it. It read: 

{I found you my sweet}

I looked around the parking lot and didnt see anyone. i was freaking out and wanted to get out of the parking lot as fast as i could. I looked over my shoulder and quickly looked back at my car. i opened my door and grabbed my sketch pad. I saw a black blurry figure from the corner of my eyes. I quickly turned around and saw the guy from earlier walking toward me. His hands were in his pockets and he had a creepy smile plastered on his face from what i could see. I shut my car door and locked it before running back into the school, just as i ran in i Bumped into someone. "sorry" i panted. "Sammy whats wrong? why were you running?" Harry asked as he helped me stand up right. I looked out of the small glass panel in the door, but on one was out there. was i just imagining that? 

"um.. nothing sorry.. im just.. i dont know.." I sighed. "lets just go to class, before we are late." Just as i finnished my sentance the bell rang "shit" i mumbled. harry shot me a weird look before we left for class. "you sure your ok?" he asked I nodded before entering class. "just dandy" I told him and we sat down while getting a glare from the teacher. I shrugged and frowned at myself. "Where were you guys?" Zayn whispered "I forgot my sketchbook in my car and had to go get it, then i ran into harry"i explained. zayn nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Ok today, we are going to draw something that frightens you. anything. as long as it is scary" The teacher instructed us. I took a deep breath and started drawing in my sketchbook. 

At the end of class harry showed me his drawing. "Spiders?" i asked and chuckled. "Well im not really scared of anything so i just chose a simple thing" harry huffed. "sure, keep telling yourself that" i chuckled. "What about you zayn?" i asked. he flipped his sketchbook so i could see. "dont worry clowns freak me out too.." we laughed. "whats your drawing?" Zayn asked. i bit my lip and held up my sketch book. It was a dark drawing, very messy. you could only really make out a guy with a shadow on half of his face, but you could still make out a smile on his face. "who is that?" Harry asked. I shrugged "I dont know" i mumbled. "Did you just make that up?" Zayn asked. "um.."I hesitated to tel them about the parking lot insident, and the note on my windsheild. "Yeah its made up.." i lied. 

I heard my phone vibrate and i looked down at my back pack, and opened the smallest pocket where i usually keep my phone. I tookmy phone out and didnt recoginze the number, but i opened the text anyways. 

[Surprise surprise...] 

I looked at the text wierdly before looking up at the door. I saw the man standing at the door with a smile plastered on his face. I let out a ear peircing scream, and fell out of my chair. "Sammy!"harry and zayn said frantically helping me up, but i scurried away and huddled into my knees into my chest. "Sammy, whats wrong?!" the teacher came over and crouched next to me. "i....i dont know.." I looked at her... Am i Hallucinating? was that man really there? how come no one else saw him? I stood up. and everyone in the class was watching me "im.. im gonna go to the bathroom...." i stated absent mindedly. I walked out of the class and looked down either side of the hallway before walking down to the girls bathroom. I rinsed my face in cold water, adn dried it. I fixed my close and stepped out of the bathroom. 

"Sammy.." i heard someone whisper my name. I looked around frantically. "whos there?" i asked "sammy...." i heard it again it was more loud and clear... i freaked out and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. i crawled into the corner of the bathroom and hugged my knees. "who is it..." i asked in a shakey voice... " sweet...sweet....Sammy" I looked at the bathroom stall and it slowly creeked open.. The lights began to flicker and he stepped out wearing black pants and a black hoodie. "Stay aw-away" i said slowly. but he didnt stop moving. He crouched infront of me. and held out a while folded up peice of paper. i looked at it.. and back at him. His smile was gone and it was replaced with familiar red eyes. "What...who are you?" I asked and slowly reached for the note. i took the note without breaking eye contact. He hissed at me and revealed fangs, that were dripping blood. 

I let out a scream and closed my eyes. "SAMMY!!!" someone yelled and shook me. I opened my eyes to see harry, zayn and the rest of the class huddled around my. "Wha.." I couldnt form a sentancce. "You fell alseep and started yelling and screaming things... did you have a nightmare...?" Zayn asked.. i looked at him without saying annything. "I dont know" i mumbled. I shook my head. "I dont know anymore... i swear im going crazy" I stated. "Sammy do you want to go to the nurse? do you want to go home?" the teacher asked stepping forward to help me up. "umm.. no.. I cant go home.. i dont want to" I said afraid of something. Zayn and harry looked really worried. "sammy is there something you need to tell us..?" Harry asked.  I stared at with an empty look for a few moments before shaking my head "no" I went back to my seat and so did everyone else..

How much of that was real? was i dreaming the whole time? What was i screaming? I shook my head and tried to clear my mind. I looked down at my sketchbook and saw the drawing of the man with a smile. i shook my head and ripped it out and crumbled it up. I stuffed it into my back pack. And started a new drawing, hopefully its going to help clear my mind. 

School was pretty quiet after art class. Everyone was staring at me and whispering about my freak out during art class but i ignored most of it. At the end of the day i said goodbye to the boys. "Yeah so in like an hour, you guys can come up to my apartment." I told them. "sounds good" Louis said "sammy you sure your ok?" Harry asked one more time. I plastered my best fake smiled and nodded "Im fine.. Im just tired thats all" I lied. I waved and walked to my car. I sat down in the drivers seat and threw my backpack in the back seat. I started the car and put my seat belt on. Just before pulling out of the parking spot, i adjusted my rearview mirror, and noticed something in a open pocket in my back pack. 

I undid my seat belt and reached back i took the paper out of my back pack and i could feel my heart beating faster and faster.. I unfolded the paper and i felt my heart drop.


Yo! so im gunna put up another chapter later today just to give you guys the heads up! Hope this chapter wasnt to boring, its getting into some gooooooodddd stuff if i say so myself. Thanks again for all the suggestions they really helped! 

Peace out homies

~Eddie <33

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