Chapter 4

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"Or else.." He started. I could feel his hot breath on me, it sent shivers down my spine. "I'll bite you" I looked away and chuckled at his response. When I met his gaze again I could tell he was angry.

"Come on let's go play team death match.." I said trying to get out of this intimidating situation.

He let one of his arms drop form the side of me and I happily took a step away from him.

He quickly grabbed my hand and lead me down a few hallways. We finally arrived at the living room and the rest of the boys were already playing.

The living room was really big it had two large couches, a fairly large coffee table and a 65" tv. But one thing that caught my eye was there was a bottle of bright red liquid on the table.

I made my way over and picked it up observing it. "Hey guys what's this?" I asked. They paused the game and turned to face me. Louis' expression dropped, same with the other boys.... Did I do something wrong?

"Oh um it's cool aid mix! Like a lot of it.." Louis' sounded lost for words. "Oh can I have some I love cool aid?!" I asked pouting.

"NO!" All the boys screamed. "What we mean is, Louis is coming down with a cold and we Don't want you to get sick on your first day here!" Liam said... They all sounded suspicious I just shrugged it off

"Awww thanks boiisss" I said all girly.

**2 hours later**

We have been playing and I have to admit these boys were good at playing. They beat me a few times, but I beat them two.

The round was coming down and Harry was beating me. Then I noticed the edge of my screen turn all bloody, splattered and red. SHIT!

"Harry you asshole! You killed me!" I yelled playfully. The boys laughed and cheered Harry.

Liam patted me on the back and told me I would beat him next round.

I got up and stretched a bit. "Harry where's the kitchen, I'll go pop us some more pop corn maybe we could watch a movie if you guys want." I asked. I got approving nodded and 'yeahs' from the guys.

"Down the hall take a left and you'll see the kitchen, the pop corn bag is on the counter" Harry directed me

I followed his instructions and I arrived at the kitchen. I ripped open the plastic cover on the pop corn bag and placed it in the microwave for 3 min 30 sec. Right when I hit the start bottom two arms snaked his way around my waist.

I let out a scream, or at least tried to. A large and quickly covered my mouth. I turned a but revealing Harry with a smirk plastered on his face.

He removed his hand slowly. "Dammit Harry you scared the living day lights out of me!" He said hitting him on the side of his arm.

He didn't reply, he began taking a step closer to me, with his action I took a step back. We didn't say a word our gazes looked. To be honest I was frightened. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my bum hit the edge of the counter.

But Harry came closer pressing his body against mine. I let out a gasp. He chuckled, I felt his chest vibrate.

I placed my hands on his chest to push him back a bit but he wouldn't budge, he was strong.

"H-Harry what are y-you doing" I asked, my voice came out soft and shaky. He smirked again and leaned closer to me nuzzling his head on my neck. He gripped my waist tighter.

"You called me an asshole..." He whispered in my ear. I wasn't quite sure where this was going so I let him continue "so I'm going to bite you.." He said whispered in my ear again. His hot breath covering my neck as he moved to the crook of my neck.

He began kissing my neck softly. I tried pushing his away but he would move.

I gasped as I felt his wet tongue glide over the spot he just kissed. The his teeth lightly biting the spot.

I let out a ear piercing shriek...... As his fangs entered my neck. I heard him take a large gulp. Then it hit me... Harry is a vampire.

My eye lids got heavy, but just before they closed I saw zayn rush into the spinning room, followed by Louis, Niall, then Liam. My eyelids got to heavy for me to support and they drooped closed. The last thing I heard was zayn yelling my name.....

new school, new secrets (1D vamp. fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now