Chapter 8

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Ugh what an big day, I moved out of my moms home into a new cozier apartment, just a few blocks away. I got to miss school because of how much things I had to do.

I turned my phone off in the morning so it wouldn't be a distraction, I really have to Finnish this moving business!

I pulled up into my house to get a few more boxes, but as I'm nearing my house I notice 2 black cars. Shit it's them. I quickly pull into my drive way. I nearly break my car door off trying to get out. But I manage to sprint to the unlocked front door.

I hear voices upstairs where my old bedroom was.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING INSIDE MY MOMS HOUSE?!" I shout startling all of the boys.

"Sammy!! You're ok!!" Zayn engulfs me in a hug! "Yeah I am. Now I have to Finnish moving so if you guys would so kindly leave...." I say as I push past the rest of the boys, bending over to pick up the last box in the corner of my old room

"Why weren't you at school?" Harry asks sternly "why are you suck an ass" I mumble under my breath. "Answer my question! And I heard that, vampires have better hearing than humans, babe" he smirked.

I gave him a disgusting look "like I said before I'm moving!" I sigh as I start getting annoyed. "Wait are you leaving us?!?" Niall asks frantically

"No, I'm just moving into an apartment a few blocks away." I pause to take a deep breath "and I will be going back to school tomorrow" I Finnish. Niall's expression changes from a sad, lost look to a happy as a cupcake look in a matter of seconds. This boys honestly amuses me.

"Thank golly!!" Liam throws his hands in the air. I chuckle at his use of the word 'golly'.

"Well we don't have anything to do for the rest of the day so want us to help?" Louis asks. I nod and I give Louis the last box. "Take this too my car and then we are all driving over to my new apartment, you guys are going to help me unpack!" I say enthusiastically. I've had such a hard time unpacking, it wouldn't hurt if I had a few boys help with it so why not?

We all raced down stairs and I opened the back seat door for Louis to put the box in, I thanked him and we all going into our cars. I left first and lead the way.

After driving for about 5-10 minutes we arrived at a small apartment complex. Well it was more like a bunch of them owned by the same people. Since the apartments were actually quite large there were 2 separate apartments to each building.

We walked up the stairs in silence and I unlocked and oped the doors revealing my large apartment gulled with boxes.

"So where do we start?" I asked myself quietly. Before I knew it all the boys were running around in lightning speed I boxing boxes, hanging up paintings, moving furniture around, etc.

In a matter of minutes, they were done, my whole apartment was complete. I stood there with my jaw hanging low, staring at the 5 vampires in front of me.

"Close your mouth babe, you'll catch flies" Harry snickered. I growled at him, giving him the death glare which only made him more satisfied.

"We moved all your cloths and toiletries, make up, and things like that in your room. So if you want me and the lads will go get McDonald's while you Finnish up that, and we'll bringing you back some food." Zayn said gesturing towards my room.

"Thanks so much for this, you guys like saved me a good 24 hours of unpacking!" I hugged each one of them, except Harry who had a hurt expression when I skipped him

They all left as I made my way to my room. I sat down on the floor and started unpacking. I opened my first drawer and placed all my T-shirt a in there, my second drawer had all my pants, shorts, leggings, and yoga pants. My 3 drawer had all my bras, and panties in it.

I finished putting the last blouses, and dresses on their hangers and in the closet, when I felt to muscular arms wrap around my waist. I froze and dropped the empty hanger I was holding.

"Relax babe" I recognized the voice "I thought you left to go get McDonald's" I said as I turned around so I was facing Harry, his arms lazily wrapped around my waist. "Nah I wanted to keep you company" he pushed me against the wall, a light whimper escaped my lips.

"I would much rather be alone, then alone with you" I muttered. Harry chuckled as he pressed him body against mine. I placed my hands on his chest to try and push him off but it was no use, he wouldn't budge

He leaned I. Going straight to my neck, I could feel my heart beat increase when his lips made contact with my neck. He lightly kissed my neck several times. "P-Please Harry s-stop....." I said softly.

"I'll stop if you do me a favor" he stated before he resumed kissing my neck. But now he was being more rougher, his tongue escaped from his lips making contact with my warm neck.

"Depends what?" I pushed harder against his chest. "You and me, dinner Saturday night" he said against my neck. "No!" I shouted. I instantly regretted it. Harry sucked the sensitive skin on my neck, lightly biting it as well.

I wasn't going to let him bite me again "fine fine please just stop!" I said in defeat. He kissed my neck lightly before meeting my eyes. "Can't wait" said before slowly leaning forward.

I panicked and turned my head so his lips made contact with my cheek. "Your cute when your scared" Harry said as he pulled away. I quickly wiped my cheek with the back of my hand.

"Common it wasn't that bad, I know you enjoyed it" he cupped my cheek in his hand. "You wish" I spat as I shoved past him and made my way over to my bed laying down so my back was facing Harry.

I felt the bed dip and a new source of heat laying behind me. "Get off" I said harshly.

"Why you have to be like that babe?" He asked as he played with a piece of my hair, twirling it around his finger.

"Hmm let me think. In the course of 3 days I've met 5 weird boys, I've been threatened by the school skank, I've found out the boys were vampires, been bitten by one, let them help me move into new apartment, well I don't really know Harry..." I say with sarcasm dripping off every word.

"I like it" he stated. I turned slightly to see Harry propped up on one elbow, staring at me with those bright hazel eyes. I gave him a confused look, "like what?" I asked

"How my name rolls of you tongue" he slightly smiled.

I fully turned to face Harry, I placed one hand on his hips, and slowly slid my hand upwards." And I like.." I paused leaning towards Harry so our faces were cm away. "When you roll OFF MY BED!" I quickly pushed him so he fell of the edge of my bed. I laughed and laid down again.

"That wasn't very nice, now was it." He snickered getting off the floor and climbing onto the bed. He quickly grabbed onto my wrists and he placed his legs on either side of me. I was trapped.

"I might have to punish you.." He said as he leaned in closer,his hot breath on my neck again. But he quickly moved so we were staring each others eyes.

I was completely defenseless, my arms were pinned above my head and My legs were being held down my Harry's weight. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard loud coughing. My head shot to the door way, and staring their were the four boys each holding a McDonalds bag, and their faces holding the same smirking expression.

Without thinking my knee shot up and hit Harry in his man parts. He let go off my wrists and clutched onto his crotch. He groaned in pain as he fell to the side of the bed. The boys let out sympathetic ohhs and ahhhs. I jumped up from the bed

"It was all Harry he held me captive, the whole time you guys were gone!" I yelled. "It's not like I was going to rape you calm down!" Harry yelled at me from the bed. I cringed at the word rape. Memories from my past flooded back, my eyes teared up. I ran out of the room tears pouring down my face.

new school, new secrets (1D vamp. fanfic.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang