Chapter 25

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We all drove in silence, i was thinking of every possible senario that could occur if we find my dad. "Lets go back to my place and rest, tomorrow after school we can make a plan or something" harry interupted my thoughts. "sure" i agreed. Everyone else nodded and agreed. "thanks guys, for everything" I said out of the blue. They really have been there for me, this whole time. I mean being a new student isnt easy, no friends, no one to hang out with on weekends, nothing. but I was thankfull enough to meet these loons. 

After the drive we all walked into harry's house "Harry i was wondering, why do you live alone?" I asked as he guided me to a bedroom. Harry tensed up "Ill tell you some other time ok?" i nodded and left it at that. We stepped into a large bedroom. it was very elegantly decorated, red and black everything. The walls were a dark maroon color, the king sized bed was covered in a black blanket, that had a deep red design on the underside. The pillows matched the blanket. 

"Hey Sammy, you can wear these to bed" Harry tossed me a large shirt, and some basket ballshorts. "K thanks" I walked into the bathroom and changed, I looked into the mirror and it looked like i had been engulfed in a fabric monsters mouth. I chuckled to myself at my sillyness. As i stepped out of the bathroom the shorts fell around my ankles. I heard harry laugh.

"your shorts dont fit me"I laughed and stepped out of them. the shirt was long and went down to mid thigh. "did you tie them?" harry asked as he walked over and picked them up "Yeah, as tight as i could" i laughed. "You're so special" harry teased and shoved his shorts back into a drawer. "Im not the special one mr. I can go around calling girls special" we laughed at my troubled come back. I got into the bed and got under the covers "Is this your room?" I asked and looked around at the dimly lit room "Yeah" he answer and turned the lights off, i felt the bed dip so i scooched over. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and i awkwardly laid down facing him. i put my hand infront of me, and felt harry. "harry?" i whispered "yeah" "Are you wearing anything?" I asked "No" he chuckled. 

At that moment i spazzed and rolled out of the bed, taking the cover with me. I squealed "Sammy?" harry laughed and turned on the bed side lamp, before peering over the end of the bed where i fell. "what just happend" he asked "You got in the bed naked. thats what happend" I stood up and huffed. "No i didnt." He laughed harder. "but you said you werent wearing anything" I said embarrisingly. "Yeah, as in 'im not wearing a shirt' Im wearing boxers" He explained. My face turned bright pink... "but hey, i can take them off if you want" harry smirked. "no thanks" I shook my head and got in the bed once again. "and you call me special" I chuckled lightly, before falling asleep in harry's arms. 


"sammy wake up..we have school" I groaned and turned around, pulling the covers over my head "I wanna sleeeeeeppp" i whined. "Common wake up sammy!" this time i was being shooken "NoooOO" i rolled over again. "Fine." I hear and i smile at the newly found silence. Just as i began doozing off again, someone housted me up "ahh!" i squeeled. I looked at harry's smirking face "What are you going?!" i asked frantically "Trying to get you to wake up, we are gonna be late because of you" harry scolded and put me down. "Ok you guys get ready, im going home to get ready" I told him grabbing my cloths from yesterday and Change in the bathroom "are you sure?" harry asked "Yeah positive, ill meet you guys at school in the parking lot" I called from the bathroom. I folded the cloths and put them on harry's bed. I grabbed my keys and phone "see you later" I said reaching for the door handle, but harry grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"forgetting something?" he Smirked. "I have my phone, keys..pants"I looked down to make sure i wasnt forgetting my cloths. "No" I said with a smile. "Youre oblivious" Harry chuckled I quickly pecked him the the cheek and left the bedroom smirking. "I was hoping for alittle bit more" I heard him call from the room. I ran down the stairs and Waved at the boys in the kitchen before getting into my car and driving home. I swear i broke some speed limit but o well, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I pulled up at my apartment and ran upstairs, i unlocked the door and ran in. I quickly took a shower and while my hair dried i Changed into some shorts and a simple v-neck t shirt. I took out my flat iron and starighted my hair to make it dry faster. I know i pretty much killed my hair but its not like i do this everyday, so cut me some slack, I finnished my makeup. I put on a necklace and perfume and was out the door quickly. 

During the car ride i could help but think how harry has changed these pass few days. Just last week he was pushing me up against everthing, and sucking my blood. Now hes giving me kisses, and not being all pervy.. I wonder if he will stay like this... Maybe he hasnt been hungry, but then again that means hes going to get hungry very soon, and hes going to come straight to me.. geez.. I dont want to think about this right now.

once i got to school i saw Harry and Zayn talking by their cars. "Hey whats up" I smiled "Wheres the rest of the gang?" I asked. "They went to get some breakfast" Zayn informed me "Oh did naill want some nandos?" I chuckled. zayn and harry stayed quiet and looked at each other "Not that kinda break fast.. they wanted a drink" He explained. I went scilent "of course...." I muttered. "did you guys get anything?" I asked, trying to make it less awkward, but failing. "Nah im not in the mood for any" zayn yawked. "I prefer a special brand" Harry smirked and winked at me. I shivered. "Alright.. well ill see you in art class, and ill meet you at English" I told zayn and harry. they nodded and I walked into school, i walked up to my locker and saw thing all over it. "What the hell?" i said looking at my vandilized locker. It had writing all over it calling me names like "slut, whore, skank, sleezy much?, Herpy infested, STD positive" I rolled my eyes and opened my locker, name calling doesnt really get to me that much. 

"Woah Sammy... nice locker" I turned to see louis and liam. "Oh thanks, Did you know im STD positive?" I asked playfully "no clue" Liam chuckled "now you know" i winked at them. "Who wrote this?" he asked. "the one and only chloe and her skank squad" I told them getting my english books. "I never knew you had herpies" Louis said reading the other thing on my locker. "me either" we laughed. "But they have to try harder if they want to get to me" i said turning to liam and louis. "So whats up? How was breakfast?" I asked

"It was delicious" Louis hummed. "I can only imagine" I sighed awkwardly. "Yeah we were just coming to check on you, we really didnt talk that much last night or this morning" liam smiled caringly. "oh yeah sorry, last night i was really tired, and this morning was just a rush. I wouldnt mind a shot or two of vodka" I sighed rummbing my temples. "No way, we all know what happend last time" Laim protested. "Yeah! Grandma didnt get her christmas card!" Louis pouted. "Maybe we can get a more approprate christmas card, like all of us wearing matching sweaters or something" I sugested. "nah those are to scratchy" Louis disagreed. "How about we think of a christmas card when its actually near december. "I chuckled then the bell rang "Gotta get to class, peace out cub scout" i waved and left for english. "Bye SAMMY!"louis yelled childishly. "and i wonder why he doesnt have a girlfriend" I muttered to my self anc giggled. "I heard that!" He yelled and i burst out laughing before entering class. I sat down next to zayn.

"You know your friend is special right?" I asked "Wich one?" we laughed. "Alright everyone, time for the chit chat to die down" The teacher spoke up. The class went by pretty quickly, midterms were coming up so every class was pretty much going through review. I wasnt really paying attention, i was mostly just looking out the window. Then i noticed a black car, with very dark tints pull up in the parking lot. A guy stepped out and looked straight at me.. I didnt turn away until i got a good look at his face. He looked very familiar.....but i couldnt put my finger on who he was. I looked away and back at the board..

A few minutes later i looked back and the car was gone. Freaky.


Alright i know. you guys probs hate me for not updating in like forever. Believe me when i say ive been going back adn reading all of my chapter, and the comments and suggestions, to get insparation. And i think ive finally got it!! my plan it to combine every suggestion ive gotten and use it for the rest of the story. Im on winter break right now and i finally got my laptop fixed so i can HOPEFULLY upload new chapter soon! I will write all night tongiht, adn hopefull get atleast a new chapter up tomorrow too. and write a few extra chapters and add it every few days. Sound good! 

I hope this chapter wasnt too boring, im gonna get into something good soon! Lots of things are going to happen in Sammys Life! Some good, some bad. Well Im gonna go finnish up the next few chapters, enjoy!

Peace out cub scout! 

~Eddie <333333333333

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