Chapter 12

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Once I took the last gulp he pulled away. I instantly felt better. I looked down at the ground unsure of what to do. I mean Harry THE VAMPIRE just bit me A SECOND TIME.... Should I be scared, should I try and run away. Idk I'm really confused. But Harry broke the silence.

"As much as I want you to stay dressed like that...." He smirked checking me out which made very uncomfortable. "But you should get dressed... For dinner the boys will be over in about 2 hours." He said walking out of the room and closing the door I quickly walked over and locked it. I Calmly walked to the closet and pick out my outfit.

I put on my matching black and hot pink lace bra and panties .I wore a black obey sweatshirt, and plain denim skinny jeans. I just put on some eyeliner and mascara and I was good. I took my small coin purse/ wallet that kept a few credit cards and money. I slipped it In my back pocket

I took a deep breath before I walked down to the kitchen where he was sitting on a stool on his phone. He looked up from his phone to me and gave me a cheeky smile. I walked last him with an emotionless face. I opened the fridge and took out the bread I popped in two pieces into the toaster. I stood in silence as I waited for the toast to pop up.

I heard the stool scratch against the tile floor I heard heavy foot steps walk around the kitchen island. He made his way over to me. He leaned against the counter and he stared at me... Awkward

"Ok..." He sighed "I get it, your scared and angry with me.. Well I'm sorry." He stated simply. I felt my blood boil, but I restrained myself from saying anything I just ignored him.

The toast popped out of the toaster and I took the two pieces and slathered a think coat of nutella on it.

"Woah have enough nutella there?" Harry chuckled. I just looked down and ate my sandwich without saying anything.

"What are we going to make for dinner" he asked trying to make conversation. I shrugged rudely to him as I took another bite.

"How about some Alfredo?" He suggested. "Sure" I said coldly. I finished my sandwich and I washed the plate I used and put it on the dish rack.

I got out all the ingredients needed to make Alfredo. Harry did most of the cooking. So I just sat on the stool reading a magazine when my phone rings on the counter.

I see the caller ID and my face instantly brightens up. I'm pretty sure Harry notices as well.

"JOEY!!" I say excitedly as I answer. I saw harry tense at his name.

"Hey Sammy!" He replies.

"So ways up why'd ya call" I ask not trying to be rude.

"Well I was wondering if you weren't busy maybe we could.... Umm idk.... Go out for a movie tonight?" He asked sweetly, I could tell he was nervous which was cute.

"Um not tonight sorry I'm having company over for dinner" I groan "umm but if you want we could go out sometime next week. When I'm not so busy" I say as flirtatious as possible.

When I finished the sentence Harry completely stopped his actions and sent me the death glare. I was about 10 feet away from him but I could still see the red swirling in his hazel eyes.

"Um how about next Friday?" Jokey asked. "Perfect! Well I will see you then" I said then hung up.

I put the phone down nonchalantly and made my way back to the stool.

"What was that about?" Harry said trying to suppress the growl. "Nothing" I said returning to my cold self.

"Sammy tell me" Harry growled "no" I simply stated. I quickly regretted what had come out of my mouth.

Before I could even begin to comprehend what had happened Harry lunged at me, knocking me to the ground and pinning me underneath him.

"Sammy I'm not scared to bite you again! So just tell me!" He raised his voice. "Why should I?" I asked trying not to let the scared me get out.

"Because..." He started "I will call off this dinner." I cut him off by laughing "oh your gonna call off the dinner? Good!" I laughed

"Sammy you never let me Finnish..." I stopped laughing and starred at him he broke out into an evil laughter. He leaned in close our lips almost touching.

"I will call off the dinner..." He whispered his hot breath on me "fuck you senseless, then suck you dry.." He said coldly, his eyes now fully red. My eyes started brimming with tears.

"Now are you going to tell me what that was about?" He asked backed up giving me some space to breath. "J-Joey want to w-watch a m-movie" I trembled as I said that.

He got off me and chuckled "good luck with that"

I got off the floor and the gravity made the tears stream down my face. Harry noticed and quickly went to wipe them away, but I slapped his hand away "don't. You dare touch me" I threatened.

"Calm down Sam. I was just joking, I wouldn't rape you, I'm not like that" Harry gave me a reassuring smile. But I don't believe him, I don't believe anyone! It's all bullshit!

"I BET THE MAN WHO RAPED AND KILLED MY SISTER THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE TOO!" I screamed at Harry. He just stood there shocked. I quickly ran out of the door. I ran down to the nearest hotel.

I paid for one night and I walked up to the room. I sat on the bed and just cried, how dare he say that to me even as a joke. Well I'm done with his games, I'm done with this vampire shit. If they want a fight I will give them a fight. No more crying, or running. Tomorrow everything changes.

And with that I fell asleep.

new school, new secrets (1D vamp. fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now