Chapter 11

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"Take a seat miss Zulcic" the man wore a dark suit, he had short whitish grey hair, he looked old but young at the same time. He was really scary looking.

I quickly grabbed the seat that was facing him. "Now, this is your first time in my office, and hopefully your last." He started, looking up at me from his desk. "So I will go easy on you, I will give you a week of detention after school, and you have to write an apology letter to mr.goodrich about your behavior."

I nodded and said thank you. "You may return back to class" and with that I was up and outta that creepy dark office.

I was walking really slowly so I wouldn't have to return to class, but I was stopped In the hallway by someone calling my name. I turned on my heels slightly annoyed, gosh why can't people just leave me alone today!?

But when I turned a male that was much to familiar towering over me. "What do you want?" I scoffed. And suddenly I was pushed against the lockers "I want you." Harry whispered into me ear.

Shivers soared my whole body, recalling my earlier memories when Harry bit me.

"P-please just leave me alone." I managed to get out in one breath. His chest vibrated as he chuckled

"Now Sam why would I do that?" He asked starring at me straight in the eyes. His eyes were swirling red and green, it reminded me of Niall's eyes in the car.

"Now let me ask you something.." He leaned in close "who do you belong to?" I shot him a confused and frightened look. Gosh when Is the bell going to ring?! I thought frantically.

"I-I don't know....I belong to myself?" I questioned. He smirked at my answer.

"Gosh your so fucking hot when your scared" he said as his eyes glide all over my body meeting me eyes again. I was actually really scared the look in his eyes they were filled with lust.

"Well you belong to me, no one else! Do you understand?" He turned all serious. gosh is this boy like bipolar?

Once my brain understood what he said I freaked out a bit.

"Wait. I'm not yours! I don't belong to anyone!" A new courage was found in me "I'm not some kind of toy you can play with and when your bored just drop!" I raised my voice, Harry looked shocked at the sudden outburst.

"What did you say" he growled tightening his grip on me. I moved my head closer to him, our noses just barely touching

"I'm. Not. Yours." I said taking a pause In between words. He burst out laughing, but came to a stop. Now I was really confused.

He leaned closer to my neck and started kissing the spot he bit a few days back. His tongue slid out and glazed the area. I stood there frozen to afraid to move, all the courage I had seconds ago vanished.

"That cute, you think you have a say in this decision. " he chuckled in my ear before returning to my neck were he blew cooling air on the now moist spot.

Ring Ring Ring

Just then the bell rung, he left my neck and looked me in the eyes, that god awful smirk on his face. "Oh by the way me and the boys are coming for dinner" and with that he left. He vanished in thin air. Damn vampire speed.

I quickly walked into the girls bathroom and looked at me neck, thank gosh he didn't leave a mark.

The rest of the school day went by quickly. Nothing to storage happened. No sight of Harry. I didn't see any of the boys during lunch. I got glares from chloe.

I walked to the parking lot to see if zayn would give me a ride but he wasn't there, nor were the other. Weird what ever Ill just walk home.

I don't live far maybe like 10-15 minutes away. Once I got home I walked straight to my room and into the bathroom.

I stripped my cloths and hopped into the shower. I scrubbed at my neck where Harry kissed and licked. I shivered at the thought.

I got out and wrapped my self in a medium large towel. It ended very high just barely getting past my bum. Thankfully I was home alone.

I walked out and I faced my closet. I was thinking of what to wear when two muscular arms snaked around my waist. I tried to let out a scream but it came out muffled because a large hand clamped on my mouth.

"Oh my gosh Sammy, you don't know what your doing to me." He whispered into me ear I knew immediately who it was, just who I needed to see. I though he already had his fun at school.

"Oh Sammy...." He whispered as if he was breathless. "I just want to fuck you senseless, until both of us are numb from pleasure." He spoke in his raspy deep voice.

I shuddered. This scared me alot. I was still a virgin, and no one ever told me they wanted to fuck me senseless before.

I was quickly turned around and my back was roughly pushed against the near by wall. I looked at Harry straight in the eyes they were blood red.

"Sammy you naughty girl. I came here to help you with dinner before the rest of the boys get here and you end up being half naked in this small towel." He said as he playfully tugged at the hem of the towel.

"But I need something Sammy, I really need it." I was scared I didn't know where this was going. He leaned it and he kissed and licked my neck before he lightly bit my neck. I knew what he was going to do next.

Before I could even try to push him away he bit down with his fangs. Excruciating pain full my body. My knees went weak. But Harry held me up. I started getting dizzy as he sucked more blood.

He let out a deep moan of pleasure. Wtf?! He pushed his body against mine. Only a thin towel and shirt separating us.

He pulled away his eyes were now back to the same hazel green color. I must have looked like a mess. My hair wet and all over the place, and I'm dressed in a skimpy towel. Great....

What Harry did next shocked me. He bit his own wrist and brought it up to my mouth. The blood was dripping off of his wrist into my cleavage that was showing a bit.

"Drink it will give you some strength" I just stood there unsure wether I should drink or not. He moved his wrist so my lips were on it. "Drink. Now." He growled I was scared so I did what he said.

I felt disgusting the warm liquid sliding down my throat.

new school, new secrets (1D vamp. fanfic.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu