Chapter 19

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I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to the kitchen. I got a shot glass out of the cupboard as well as a bottle of vodka.

Who says you can't drink your problems away? I poured the vodka in the glass and took my first shot. Even though I'm underage for drinking I still do it...... Just in the comfort of my own home.

I took a few more shots. Just as I tilted my head back for one more, Liam came into the kitchen.

"Hey-woah woah woah! Your to young to drink missy!" He said as he pulled the glass out of my hand and took the bottle of vodka away as well.

"Cooommmmoooonnnn! Liammm just one moooorrreee!" I slurred my words. I was obviously drunk. My vision became distorted, I was feeling wobbly, and I was feeling a bit lightheaded.

"Ok... Your drunk!" Liam took my hand and guided me to the couch and sat me down. "BOYS! WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM!" He yelled. Seconds later all the boys were gathered in the living room.

"Sammy is drunk" Liam blurted out. "hey! I prefer intoxicated! It makes me sound more safisticated!" I chirped from the couch.

"Wait but aren't you underage?" Niall asked "pfft only by like..." I started pointing to my fingers, as a guidance to help me count "like..... I think.... 4 years! Or something like that?" I gave up counting.

"How are you drunk? I was just up stairs with you?" Harry asked in disbelief. I got up from the couch and walked over to Harry wrapping my arms around his neck. I looked up at him "you'd be surprised at how quickly I can chug down shots."

I giggled at nothing and leaned my head against Harry's chest. I felt him cautiously wrap his arms around my waist.

"So what are we gonna do?" Zayn asked. "It's not like we can undo the shots she took"

My head snapped up, startling harry alittle. "Oh poor zayn...." I giggled into Harry's chest. "I can be a big handful when I'm drunk." I laughed.

"Well oh shit" Louis sighed. "Looks like we have to baby sit" he sat down on the couch obviously tired just thinking about the job of baby sitting.

"Or you guys can get drunk and we can all have some fun!" I suggested. At the thought I wiggled out of Harry's grip and bolted down the hall. But just as quickly Harry appeared infront of me.

He seemed a bit mad so to lighten the mood I snaked my arms around his neck once more and I pressed my body against his. I leaned into his ear to whisper "maybe I can give you some more kisses" I giggled and made smooching noises.

Harry being Harry pushed me against the wall. "Sammy I wouldn't tease if I were you..." He harshly whispered in my ear

He pulled back so we were eye to eye. "Why.. Is the big bad Harry going to punish me?" I giggled like a school girl.

"Oh Sammy just wait until your sober... You'll be punished alright....." He pushed himself off the wall. And then grabbed my hand and lead me back to the main room.

The boys were all sitting there watching tv. Harry sat down on the love seat and I sat on his lap. This could be my chance to get back at Harry for all those times.....

Since I was sitting in his lap, I pretended I was in an uncomfortable position. I began to shift and I roughly grinding my bum with Harry's crotch. I felt him tense under me. I smirked delighted by his reaction.

"Gosh Harry you seem very uncomfortable. Let me move a bit" I whispered to him.

He glared at me knowing what I was going to do. But before his arms snaked around my waist I shifted again applying more pressure to Harry's crotch.

Continually grinding my bum with Harry. He bit his lip to prevent any noise to come out.

"Ok um you guys... I think... Um.. Me and Sammy are going to go into her room to ... Um.... Take a nap....." Harry said scratching the back of his neck. He quickly grabbed my hand lead me to my room. He threw me onto my bed and shut and locked the door behind him. He walked over to me, lust in his eyes.

"Maybe I shouldn't wait until your sober to punish you...."

new school, new secrets (1D vamp. fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now