Chapter 14

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Zayn's POV.

I dialed Harry's number,

"Hey dude get the lads and meet me at the hotel on the corner of 21st. Room 124. Hurry." I hung up not waiting for a response.

About 10 minutes has passed since I called Harry. Gosh where is he?! Just then I hear a knock at the door.

I silently jog over and open the door reveling my 4 mates.

I stepped aside letting them in. "What's going-" I quickly clamped my hand over Harry's mouth. "Shhh! She's sleeping dont wake her!" I whispered angrily at him

"What's going on?" He said again but whispering. "I know what happened to her sister. Guys sit down this is quite the story..." I made my way to the dining room. We all sat down at the table.

"Ok well" I took a deep breath, all eyes on me... " her sister was raped and killed..." I got out in one breath. The boys sat there, mouths hanging open, shocked expression.

"Oh my gosh....." Liam said. "What about her parents? Any information about them?" He asked, trying to get off the topic of her sister.

"Well she did say her dad left her family like 3 years ago or something like that, but that was all the way back on the first day of school." I answered.

"Oh ok." After that we all stayed silent. "I think we should go home and rest up." Niall spoke up.

We all agreed and ran home. Harry stayed quiet the whole way home. Did he feel guilty?

"Harry. Don't worry she's a very forgiving person.." He nodded and gave me a half smile.


Hey guys sorry about the chapter mix up. Wattpad deleted one of my chapters when I was publishing it. Sorry well I hope you're enjoying the story. Thanks for all the reads and vote I really appreciate it!! <3


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