Quiz night

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Important note at the end, please read x

****Char's POV****

I got back from Amsterdam and I decided to go on a walk with Pete, James, Chloe and Mario. I haven't seen any of them since we came back and I needed a little catch up.

I was wearing a beige plunging top with my denim shorts, due to the hot weather that we were going through now.

"Come on Ernie

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"Come on Ernie." I told Pete's dog as I held his lead. "I feel lost without Lola."

"Where is she?" Mario asked.

"I took her to the groomers this morning and she should be back soon." I explained. "How are we all since we came back?"

"I mean these rumours are spiralling out of control." Pete said. "Megan is making out like it is some big thing when it isn't."

"She likes to play the victim and be the one who has had her heartbroken." Chloe explained. "I'd happily explain the situation to her, but she won't listen to me and realise that she is wrong."

"Whatever happens from now just proves how wrong we were together."

"So I heard that Yasmine made friends with Georgia and all them on the trip." I told Lockie. "I was just wondering if she mentioned about me."

"I know she wants to make friends and build bridges with all the other girls. I know that in her heart she wants to be your friend, maybe you should make the first move." James said.

"I just feel disheartened that she didn't try with me. I mean I'm Pete's sister and I'm close to you." I said quietly, which made Pete wrap his arm around me. "I think I'm going to go and speak to her know that you have said that."

"She must also find it hard because your group can be intimidating." Pete said. "I think at this quiz night tonight, everyone is going and hopefully everything will come out and be in the open."

I heard my phone go off and reached into my pocket to find a text from the groomers that I need to come and pick Lola up.

"Ill see you all soon I need to go and pick her Majesty up." I said and gave them all a hug. "You better all get your brains into gear for tonight."

"See you soon."


Later on that day I decided to go and walk through the park with Lola and I was halfway through when I met up with Jade, who was Jamie's new girlfriend and I went to school with her.

"So how have you been doing?" I asked her as we walked. "I heard that you're now with Jamie?"

"Yeah, things just started developing and I'm just really happy with him." She said and I could see the blush in her cheeks. "So I bumped into Megan and Amber the other day when you were all away."

"Really what happened?"

"It was just really awkward and I could tell the girls were glaring at me and giving me dirty looks." She explained.

"That's really annoyed me." I told her. "They have a go at everyone for saying mean things about them and then they go and do that to you. All I can say is that i know the real you and I really hope you work out and be happy."

"Are you going to this quiz tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, I heard that Jamie was bringing you along to meet the whole gang." I said which made her laugh. "Don't worry we're not all that bad."


It was time for the quiz night that Bobby was holding at the bar in town. I was wearing a black off the shoulder top with my denim jeans and hold strappy heels.

 I was wearing a black off the shoulder top with my denim jeans and hold strappy heels

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"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Essex's biggest brain."

"We're Bros and Hoes." Chloe announced. She was in my team with Lockie, Tom, Pete and Mario.

We ended up coming last in that quiz but to be fair I got all my questions right and it was the others that let me down.

"What's up with you?" I asked Pete as we sat together afterwards and he kept looking down.

"I had another go with the girl didn't I." He said. "She just wouldn't let me speak and kept denying that she never forgave me."

"She came round the other day and I thought we had bonded but I'm just so fed up at her treating you this way." I explained to them all. "She never forgave you and you can't spend your whole life making up for that one mistake."

"That's exactly how I feel." Chloe said. "I've watched her play the victim when really you should be that way as she has treated you worst."

"I just don't want to deal with it anymore."

"Look what she's turned you into." I said angrily. "Before this chat you was getting back to normal and now you can barely string a sentence together."

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

This story has been going on for a few series and I wanted to know wether you would prefer for me to start a new one for the next series or carry on this one. Please comment or message me your preferences and if you would like a new story, any plot lines or characters.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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