Break up

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****Charlotte's POV****

I was in Mallorca with the rest of the TOWIE cast and my brother. My brother is Pete Wicks and we have both been in the cast for a couple of seasons. I've never dated any of the boys because I've always been in a relationship but the guy I was with recently cheated on me.

I was at a pool party and hanging around with Chloe Lewis. Yes even though I love Pete I really do not like Megan, I think she's a stuck up cow.

I was wearing a white plunge bikini, which showed off a load of cleavage.

 "Hello girly" I said to Chloe and gave her a kiss

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"Hello girly" I said to Chloe and gave her a kiss. "How are you doing after the other night?"

"I'm trying not to think about it. I mean why would she try and sit there, there were plenty of free spaces and she tried to wedge herself in next to me." She said. "How are you?"

"I'm good, I mean I just need to try and keep myself and Pete's relationship cool. And keep on the look out for some fit guys." I laughed.

"Oh yeah I heard you broke up, why did you do it?"

"I found out he's been cheating on me for like most of our relationship." I said and then suddenly I felt like I didn't want to be there anymore. "Look I'm sorry but I can't be here anymore, please can you just tell my brother."

"Sure babe" She said and pulled me into a hug. "Take care of yourself."

****Pete's POV****

I was stood around with Megan, James and Dannii, when I saw Chloe walking towards us.

"Look I'd hate to put a downer on things but Chloe is coming to us." I warned Megan as they really don't like each other.

"What does she want?" She muttered.

"Look I'm not here to cause any trouble, I just wanted to tell you that Char's back to the villa she was quite upset" She told me which alarmed me.

"What was she upset about?" Danni asked.

"We were talking about her boyfriend and she was telling me the story, which got her a bit down. She just wanted me to tell you that she left." She said before walking away.

"F***" I said and then started getting my stuff together.

"Where are you going?" Megan asked.

"Well I've got to go and see if my sister's alright." I said.

"Drama queen" Megan muttered but I couldn't be bothered fighting with her so I ignored it.

"See you guys later" I said and left. Honestly it does make me sad that my girlfriend and sister don't get along but I just have to deal with it and try to make them like each other.

I made my way to the villa all the single girls are staying in. I ring the doorbell and waited a few minutes before I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

"How are you baby?" I said and kissed her forehead. "I heard you got a bit upset at the party"

"Yeah everything just got a bit on top of me." She led me through to the kitchen and got me a drink. "I just really want to live on but no one seems to be catching my eye."

"Get to know some people then. I know you want that instant attraction but just see if you like their personality as well." I said and then we tried to lighten the conversation.


I was going out for dinner with Dannii, Megan and James. We had decided to go out for cocktails instead of out at the club.

"So how was Char?" Dannii asked.

"I mean she's pretty torn up about her ex, but she'll get there." I said.

"What actually happened with her ex, I've been wanting to know but I don't want to get her upset?" She asked.

"She walks in on him on top of this bird in her bedroom" I said. "That's what wound me up the most. I honestly felt like punching him when I found out that, I mean if you cheat on someone eat least do it in your own bed."

"That's disgusting" James said. "But what's the deal between you three, I mean is it not awkward that two of the biggest girls in your life don't like each other?"

"I think I just have to deal with it. I think Megan knows that Char will always be the top girl in my life and she just has to deal with it" I said which earned an eye roll.

"Of course" She said, which earned an awkward silence.

****Chris' POV****

I was with Tommy and Dan and we were talking about what we were going to do tonight.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking that instead of going out we should just have a nice cosy takeaway with the girls. Georgia said that Char has been a bit down and needs to find new bloke and I thought you'd be perfect. What do you say?" Tommy asked.

"I heard about her and her ex, do you really think they'd be up for this?"

"Well there's only one way to find out?" Tommy said and text Georgia.

Around 10 minutes later he received a text back saying that the girls would love to come round.

"Oh and by the way I told them to come in their pyjamas." Tommy laughed.

I can't wait.

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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