Birthday Bash

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****Char's POV****

It was my birthday today and I was having a garden party first with all my slow friends and family. My mum was here helping me set up with Pete and some of my mum's friends.

"I saw his tweet the other day" Mum said. "He is honestly so sweet."

"He was really sweet. I've honestly never had a before so caring like that. He's coming early today so j better get changed." I said and made my way upstairs.

I got changed into a mint green dress, which had a plunging neckline. I was lucky that the whether turned out just perfect for today and the party could still be held outside.

I was just putting my make up on when I heard a knock at the door

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I was just putting my make up on when I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey babe. Happy birthday my gorgeous girlfriend." Tom said. "You look stunning."

"Thank you" I said and gave him a hug, along with a quick peck. He was wearing a button up shirt and some skinny jeans. "Who let you in?"

"Your mum" He answered and led on my bed as I continued putting it on. "She took my presents off me and put them on the table, before you ask where they are."

"I said you didn't have to get me anything." I whined and slipped on my heels.

"Yeah well I'm your boyfriend and I want to spoil you."

"Cute, now come on we better go downstairs before people start arriving and wonder where I am"

We walked down hand in and hand and found Pete stood in the doorway speaking to my mum.

"Hi" I said and pulled him into a hug. "Is she coming today?"

"I don't know, I know you invited her but it might be a bit awkward because of the argument we had." He said and I pulled him away to a quiet part in the garden. "I don't know what to do Char everything just seems to be going backwards for us."

"You're at the point now where you have to decided whether you want that relationship or not. You've both made mistakes but it seems now that everything is becoming unraveled. Look at your plans in the future and see if she is in them, because if not is it really worth all the agg."


The party was now in full swing and all my friends and family had arrived. I'd literally invited all of my close friends, along with Izzy and Alex who had promised they would come. Roma, Lydia's sister was here, along with all my family, including Evie who at the moment was stuck to Tom. Megan was not here though, but she texted telling me that she would be at the club afterwards.

I went up to the patio and decided that a speech needed to be made before we all made our way to get changed for the club. Tom was down by mum with Evie in his arms.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming to my party." I said. "I can't thank you enough for all supporting me and giving me strength over these past couple of weeks. I want to give out some special thank yous

"Mum, you've been my support over this part year. I feel like we can talk about anything and you're like my best friend. Dad, the same goes to you. You're like the but best friend I never had."

"Pete, I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. The coming round when I'm not feeling too well, to the partying with me until late at night even though you don't want to."

"Danni, Chloe, Georgia, all of you who've been my friend over this past year. You've made me have the best time of my life this year and thought there has been ups and downs it's all been worth it."

"Now there's one man I'd like to welcome on stage, come here." I said and held my hand out to Tom, who latched on immediately and brought me into a hug, with Evie still in his arms. "I can't thank you enough for these past couple of weeks. You've made my life so enjoyable and made me see the good side to men again. You make me feel special and loved, which is all I want in life."

"Happy birthday baby" He said and kissed my forehead. "Can you please join me in saying cheers to my lovely girlfriend? To Charlotte."

"To Charlotte."


After a promise that we would babysit Evie soon we were on our way to the club. It had been decorated white and black to add a bit of elegance.

I was now wearing a white zip up mini dress, which showed off the spray tan I had the other day. Tom had got changed into a white button up to match me.

I spotted Izzy and Alex in the corner as soon as I walked in so I made my way over and found them getting a bit handsy

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I spotted Izzy and Alex in the corner as soon as I walked in so I made my way over and found them getting a bit handsy.

"Hey keep it PG for my virgin eyes." I shouted and sat next to her. "How are you two?"

"We're good. Happy birthday" She said and gave me a hug. "I was nearly crying at that speech you gave."

"I just felt like I needed to show the appreciation I feel for the people who came." I said. "I can't believe we're both still in touch and maturing together."

"I know, who would think I would be the one to settle down?" She laughed.

"Well you've for this man so it's all worth it."

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday, with a guy I really like and my best friends all around me.

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

I can't believe the series is over.

Give me suggestions over what you want to happen next series.



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