Chapter 42

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Your POV

Since that incident with PB yesterday, Marshall and I were there being awkward with each other. Who knew that PB was the pervy type though? Not really pervy but you know what I mean.

Now, I am just casually reading a book about the Candy Kingdom, which was oddly placed on the bookshelf for some reason. It has a lot of history. I mean, A LOT. So PB and PG... Are technically 21,000 years old.

I cringed as I thought of this. What if Finn and PB get together and we not realizing what is the princess' freaking age? That would be weird.

But age doesn't matter right?

A knock on the door made me snap out of my thoughts.

"I'll get it!" My brother yelled as he opened the door revealing Finn and Jake. Felix jumped into Jake's arms and squealing.

I blinked at the scene. I moved my eyes to Finn, who was standing there awkwardly. I faked cough at them and smiled nervously.

"Seems like we have guests." I joked, despite being awkward.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)! Sorry for the intrusion, we kinda want to ask if we want to walk around with us outside the castle. You know... The park, bar..." Finn said stiffly.

"Sure. We have nothing better to do." I said as I got off my bed and walked out from our room. Of course, I locked it and everything.

"Great! Let's go!" Jake said with hoisting Felix onto the air. Finn and I chuckled at their childish behavior.

We got outside the castle which was a bit relieving to walk around and get some fresh air, aside from the balcony which has limited space.

Candy people greeted us whenever we passed by. Of course, Finn is a hero and I am the new human. So no wonder.

"(Y/N)." Finn voice called out to me.

"Yeah?" I said, turning my head to him.

"How are things going with your eye?" He asked slowly, choosing his words carefully. He fiddled with his hands and blushed slightly.

I stared at him in awe as I pinched his cheeks. "Aw! You were so cute, Finn!!" He looked at me in shock as he turned more red.

"N-No! I can't be cute! I'm a hero!" He said while pouting and puffing out his chest. AHH!! SO CUTE!!

Control yourself, (Y/N). And just answer his question. Alright.

"Well... The thing with my eye, its going." I said and I rubbed the back of my neck, a smile played on my features.

He quickly turned his head away from me and laughed nervously. He jumped and pointed to a artist who was doing some paintings of other candy people, "Look! Let's get a picture together!"

He grabbed my hand and dragged me there, I stumbled along the way but didn't fall down, surprisingly.

"Hey, artist!" Finn greeted, still holding my hand. My face red in... Uh... Kilig*! Yeah.

A candy cane like man turned to use and replied, "Did someone say... ARTIST?!" He laughed joyfully.

"I did. My friend and I would like to have a painting of each other." Finn said as he let go my arm and both hands on his waist.

The candy man looked behind Finn to see me, hiding in Finn's back with only my head sticking out. My face flushed red as I stepped out of Finn and into the view of the 'artist'.

"Sure thing! Free for the hero and the new human!" He continued, "Just stand right there and do a pose. Remember, don't move 'till I say so."

My muscles are going to hurt in the end of this.

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