Chapter 4

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Author's POV

After the whole incident, you all ate dinner, which consists of strawberries, apples, tomatoes and velvet cake. Since they were vampires but not the blood sucking types, you figured they eat the color red.

Then you guys go to sleep.

~ (Y/N)'s Dream ~

"Hello..?" You were just in a void of darkness then you saw a light. You ran towards it to see a wooden door.

You opened it to see a field of flowers and a lake. "Beautiful...." You breathed out with an amazed face.

You walked in the door to see more of the field. You noticed the door disappeared when you entered.

"Welcome to your dreamscape!" An unfamiliar voice said cheerfully. You looked up to see a girl with silver hair, blue eyes and pale skin. She appears to be riding on a scythe.

She wore a white strapless dress with the bottom puffed out and a black ribbon tied around her waist, she was also bear footed. You noticed you were wearing ( Your favorite dress ).

"Oh! My name is Kat! Just Kat." She introduced herself to you while jumping from the scythe and walking towards you, scythe in hand.

"U-uh.. My name is (Y/N). Stupid question, are you going to kill me?" You asked her, slightly scared.

"No! Now I'm here to explain yours and Felix's wish." You relaxed and listened to her. Nodding, you two walked towards the lake and sat down.

"Let's see... Where to start... Okay I know you have questions but I already know them. One, the hand that grabbed you two was me. Two, you can't go back to your world, I'm sorry it was a consequence. Three, you, dear listener, will find your forever here with the help of your brother."

'Forever..? What does she mean by that?'
You though quite confused.

"And Four, you can choose the challengers to be your forever thus making you live longer!" She clasp her hand together and added, "Time for you to go now! Bye-bye~!"

~ End of Dream ~

You stretched up and yawn. 'Forever, huh...? What the hell did she mean?'

"Hey! Sister you awake!? Today we're going to the Candy Kingdom! Marcy and Marshall will just get some food. She left you some clothes you could wear!" Felix said downstairs.

"Okay! Thanks Fel!" You shouted to him. Then walking to the bathroom while taking the clothes that was beside you. It consist of a black and red stripped shirt that ended at you elbows. Black tight jeans and a red beanie. You figured this was Marcy's.

You finished taking a bath then changed into Marceline's clothes. Then climbed down stairs to see Felix sitting on the couch.

"Good morning, Fel." You said to him then he said Good morning to you back. Then the door opened to see the vampires.

"Hey guys ready to go" Marceline said with a smile and hands on her hips.

"Yeah!!!" Felix ran to her. She caught home and gave home a piggy back ride. Chuckling, she said, "Alright, I'll handle this guy." You nodded to her.

She flew out of the cave with Felix still in her hands. You turned to Marshall Lee to see him have a little pink in his cheeks.

"Should we go now? I'll give you a piggy back ride all the way." He said while scratching the back of his head. You nodded saying okay.

Then bent down, his back facing to you. Then you walked towards him, wrapping your arms on his neck. "Okay let's go" you said.

"Alright. Hold on tight" He said then flew out of the cave with an umbrella in hand.
You see Felix on Marceline's back while she also have her umbrella they were talking about something.

They noticed you guys. "Off to Candy Kingdom!" Felix yelled excitedly. You guys nodded with a smile. Then flew to the sugary kingdom.

Timeskip brought to you by Vampires

You guys flew to the window of the castle. When you and Felix were amazed that it was really made out of candy. But the problem was it was made of mostly pink but you two didn't care.

"You Bonnie! Gumball! Where are you guys? We brought visitors!" Marcy yelled through out the castle. "Maybe their in their lab?" She mumbled while opening a metal door.

It revealed the two rulers of this kingdom wearing their lab coats while looking at something else but the male ruler fell asleep on one of their desks.

"Oh, hey guys." PB said plainly still not looking at you two. You and Felix glanced at each other then turned back to them.

"Whoa, you look tired and junk. So what is the experiment?" Marshall said while floating around the room. Then he saw Gumball asleep, arms on the table and his head resting on it.

He smirked and shouted, "Gumball wake up! The building is on fire!" Then Gumball shot up, wide eyed. He looked around to see no fire.

He turned to Marshall to see him snickering. He gave him a death glare and said, "It's not funny!".

"No-no it's not, it was hilarious!" Marshall then exploded in a laughing frenzy. Gumball crossed his arms and huffed, "So why did you visit us?"

You guys were just looking at them with an amused expression. Then PB looked at you with a shocked expression and said, "Are you human?"

Gumball heard this, and turned his head to you and thought, 'S-she's pretty... Wait. What!?'

"Yes, I am." You said to her.

"Can you sit on this stool please?" You nodded affirming her request and walked over to the stool.

"I'm gonna do some tests on you but nothing major just checking your teeth and blood, okay?" PB said while getting some equiptment. You replied with an 'Okay'

Disclaimer: I don't own Adventure Time or it's characters.

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