Chapter 5

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Author's POV

"Okay all done!" PB said happily. You were a little bit scared by the fact that she needed to check on you blood by extracting it with a needle.

"So how did you two came in to here though?" Gumball asked curiously. 'And why are you with the vampires?' He added thinking.

"SISTER!!!! You forgot about me!!!!! The 'Oh so Lovable' ME!!!" Felix shouted getting all of you guys' attention. You all sweat dropped minus Felix.

"Oops. Sorry Fel." You said while laughing nervously and scratching the back of your head. He huffed and crossed his arms.

"Who are you little guy?" PB asked nicely to him while smiling. Felix looked up and saw her then he gave a happy face and said, "My name is Felix! You can call me Fel!"

"I'm--" Felix cut her off by saying "Princess Bubblegum! And he," He pointed at Gumball, "Is prince Gumball!! You two are rulers of this kingdom and---mmhmhhm hmmm" You cut Felix off by putting your hand on his mouth again.

"Now Fel! Its rude to cut people off." You said to him looking kind of nervous. You looked at the candy rulers and said, "He has a tendency of knowing names." You smiled at them.

"Okay? Hey where are Marceline and Marshall?" Gumball said as he noticed the Vampire twins were gone.

Felix saw a note on the table. He ran to it and took it and he gave it to you to read. You opened the letter and read it out loud,

"Sorry for ditching you guys but we needed to go back to the Nightosphere to attend some business with our parents. It was 'important' as they say it. Sorry again, but can you stay at the Candy Kingdom for awhile? Sorry for the trouble." Then you see their names at the bottom.

"Well you can stay with us as long as you want!" PB said while smiling.

"Yeah, we have lots of rooms in the castle." Gumball said also smiling. You looked at them then glanced at Felix, he was looking at you with puppy dog eyes.

Sigh, you turned back to then and said, "Sure!" While smiling. Giving them a thankful look.

"YAAAASSS!!!" Felix said while running around with his arms up then he ran up to the prince and gave him a hug attack. They both were on the ground.

You walked towards them and standing next to PB, who was chuckling, "Brothers can be a handful." She said.

You looked at her and replied, "But they are sure fun." She nodded in agreement.

"Come on guys get up. We need to show them their rooms." PB said. You walked towards the boys and pulled Felix. Then you helped Gumball get up by offering your hand to him.

He blushed then accepted your offer. Grabbing your hand, he felt warm for a second but then you had to let go, he frowned.

"Okay, let's go?" PB said, smirking at his brother. "A-ah yes! Let's go!" Gumball quickly replied back.

Then you guys head towards to your room. It consists of two beds, which were not made of candy, with pink bed sheets and white pillows. A table and lamp on top between the beds a large closet at near a door, which is the bathroom. A balcony that has a view of the kingdom with candy cane railings. Over all the room was beautiful.

"Here you go!" Gumball said happily.

You looked at them, smiling thankfully and saying, "Thank you!"

PB said, "No problem. Anyways, clothes and other necessary things will be in the closet or bathroom. Oh! And dinner will be almost ready, I'll have peppermint butler escort you. Also, call us if you need anything! See you later!" And that they walked away.

"Thank you once again!" You called out to them. Closing the door and turned around to see Felix jumping on the bed.

"This is awesome! We're living in the Candy Kingdom and met the characters! Well some of 'em... But I can't wait to meet the others! Especially Finn!!" He said excitedly.

You chuckled at his childishness and said, "Wanna come with me? I'm going for a walk." He nodded his head and ran towards you. He jumped and took your beanie and wore it on his head.

You pouted and fixed you hair after that you held out your hand to him because you don't want him lost now do we?

You opened a door and walked in a random direction. Then you bumped into Gumball while turning a corner. "Hey" you greeted him.

He blushed and said, "Hi. Uhmm... Wanna walk together?"

"That was our idea also so yeah!" You agreed while giving him a closed eye smile.

"So where do we go first?" Gumball asked the both of you. Felix was the first one to answer.


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