Chapter 7

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Author's POV

"Good morning visitors. I am peppermint maid, I'm here to serve your food since you guys missed breakfast this morning. If you're wondering, it is ten o' seventeen in the morning." You looked at the red and white stripped... circular... female that was wearing a maid outfit and thought, 'Did I-- We really slept that late?' While looking at your brother's sleeping form.

"I've brought you your breakfast and clothes for you and your brother." She said as she put the food on the table that was between you and Felix. You thanked her with a smile as you take a plate which consist of sunny-side-up, bacon and pancakes.

"Well if you excuse me, I must go now. Enjoy your meal!" She walked off out of the door, giving you a smile. You got up from your bed and made your way to Felix's bed.

"Hey Fel, wake up. Breakfast is here." You said in a soft voice. Felix got up and rubbed his eyes. You gave him his plate, since you were done eating yours, you decided to change your clothes.

You look over to your bed to see clothes that the maid gave you. It was a pink dress that has sleeves that go to your wrists , kinda like a sweater, and it ended just in you mid thigh then a white belt that was to be placed on your waist and white leggings short shorts that ended mid thigh. (Yes, your Ms. Author-chang here is kind of conservative how a woman dresses -.-) And on the ground were white converse.

You changed into your pajamas into the dress and wore the converse. You thought that these were PB's clothes since it was pink and white. Then you looked over to see Felix done eating and already changed into his clothes. Dark pink polo shirt with white pants and light gray shoes... 'How did they managed to get the prince's clothes to get smaller? A shrink ray or something?' You pondered then just shrugged it off.

"Come oooon!!!! Lets go!" Felix said excited as always, you smiled and said, " Lead the way!"

"Yes ma'am!" As he did a mock salute. He grabbed your hand and start dragging you to the hallway. He memorized all of the Candy Kingdom including the castle since he's a big fan of the show.

"Fel, slow down you might bump into someone." You said slightly worried.

"Don't worry we won't! Plus not many people live in the Castle!" He smiled while saying that. "Fine" You said then sighing then added, "Don't blame me if I didn't warn you"

Felix yelled a really loud Good Morning as you guys went into the throne room and saw...



Actually I don't know what to right next! ^^" Give me some ideas for it! Until next time BYE-BYE~!

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time or any of its characters.

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