Chapter 38

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Your POV

Okay, poop. I just figured out that I had the powers to control between reality and dreams. And currently, freaking myself out in a corner.

I breathe heavily as my eyes darted to every inch of the room. Finding something, ANYTHING. That could calm me down.

"Dude, relax. It's not like it's going to kill you." Katsu's voice rang. I can imagine him rolling his eyes at me.

Yeah, it would still be normal. But aren't I going to be a test subject for PB and PG!?

I gritted my teeth at the thought of Felix in a tube while they experiment on him. I was so lost in my imagination that I didn't notice that someone was in front of me.

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" A soft, gentle and firm voice said as the person hugged me. Pink short hair.

"Oh. Hey, Gumball." I stuttered out as I awkwardly pat his back. He pulled away quickly, his face in a deeper shade.

"Eheh... Sorry. Anyways, why are you in the corner?" He asked me rather unsure. I cupped my hand on my chin as if I was thinking.

I shrugged while smiling innocently at him, who sweat dropped.

"Okay...? Anyways, I'm gonna call in the guys in here. And don't touch anything, okay?" He said, walking off outside. While I just sit there, my face pouting.

So... What should I do first?

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