Chapter 32

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Your POV

Okay... Okay... Calm down. Keep a poker face on. Panicking is not an option.

I sucked in a breath, attempting myself to calm down at least a bit. Now... To find this bastard who kidnapped me.

I sat on the side of the bed, which is pretty worn out. Standing up, I wobbled a little due to the fact I'm still wearing my clothes and shoes from last night.

I sighed as I took off my heels as I searched for anything, ANYTHING, that may be my ticket to escape. Hey there's matching shoes for my dress, perfect!

I noticed there were two types of it. One is for the boy and one is for the girl. Wait... Boy boy boy boy boy...


That bastard better not touch me or I'll punch him to Mars. Or girl... Meh.

Now that I think about it, the room is really really familiar. Its on the tip of my tongue, I think. Not really. But seriously.

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of the bedroom door opening. Flinching because it was opened very cautiously, causing it to make creaking noises.

I turned to face at it to see me a floating male. Gray face, dark eyes, almost white colored hair... Wait isn't this Marceline's ex?!

I flinched once again as he caught sight of me. He smirked and floated towards me. I backed away, but tripped backwards because of the bed.

This was an advantage for him to put his hand either side of head. Damn it... No escape. But this reminds me of the scene Marshall and I made. Pfft... Gonna admit, it was hilarious in my opinion.

"Oi. Don't ignore my, sweetheart." His velvety voice rang through my ears. Oh god...

"Get off of me jerk." I said, calmly. A deadpanned face was visible shown by me.

He smirked, clearly not listening to me, as he buried his face on the crook of my neck. This action made me freeze for a bit.

He placed light kisses on my neck, sucking occasionally. I shivered as I made a look of disgust and pushed him off of me with the help of my hands and legs. Finally I unfroze.

"Aww.. I thought you like it." He said seductively. His eyes scanning with lust and... Love? The hell... Don't tell me- is this the ordeal!? Or a new competitor!?!?

"A new competitor, duh. Also an ordeal." Katsu's voice rang through my mind as he clearly read my thoughts, "Now pay attention to what he is doing or he might take advantage of you. You want to stay virgin for your lover, right?"

I clicked my tongue in annoyance because of Katsu's comment and the irritation from me from this ex of Marceline.

"Why the hell did you kidnap me for!?" I exclaimed frustratedly. The jumped in surprise, good he stopped checking me out.

He cleared he throat as he began speaking, "Be my girlfriend."

"Eh?" That was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

Lol. Sorry for cliffhanger.

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