Chapter 39

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Author's POV

Gumball went in into the dining room, where everyone was at, discussing something he had missed. He raised an eyebrow before taking a seat beside Jake.

"Hey, Gummy. Glad you're back. How's (Y/N)?" Elsa beamed at him, poking her cheeks childishly.

He chuckled at her and replied, "Oh, she's fine. Awake actually." This made everyone's ears perk up.

Felix stood up quickly and stared at him wide eyed, "Really!?" His excitement was visibly seen.

"I'm going fiiiiiiiiirstah!!!" Cake yelled while running, puffs of smoke were trailed behind her.

"NooooooooooOooooooo!!!" Felix ran after her.

"Okay...?" Marceline mumbled, a light chuckle escaped from her pale lips.

The gang walked back into the laboratory to see Felix floating, doing some weird swimming actions in the air with a (F/C) colored aura surrounding him.

And Cake just doing a 360 backflip with the same aura surrounding her. A familiar giggle echoed in the room.

Bubblegum was first to react, she turned her head to a (H/C) haired girl, whose hands were wiggling at Felix and Cake as if she was the one controlling them.

"Weeeeeeeee!!!" Felix squealed as his body floated randomly.

Flame Prince was ready to say something but immediately closed his mouth, forgetting what he was about to say.

"Oh my glob..." Fionna mumbled, circling around Cake and observed her.

"This is soooooo unreal." Elsa said, her eyes wide in amazement as Jack's jaw was on the floor. Well, not literally.

They blue aura flickered and finally stopped suddenly without (Y/N)'s command, making the cat and her brother fall down. She looked at her hands and pouted.

At least, she did levitating awesomely, riiiiiight?

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