"No," Marisa blurted out.

"No what?" Pierce asked.

Marisa shook her head. "Not you."

"The longer it takes you to accept self...the longer it takes you to help this pack. Help Valerie." Ronan continued to make his input.

Sighing in submission of self grief, Marisa lowered her head. It was too complicated having two conversations.

Kathleen spoke suddenly. "I think we all need to take a moment." He shifted to a few of the Fae near the door that led to new rooms. "Let's bring food and drinks."

"I'm not hung--"

"You will not come in and dismiss offering." Kathleen frowned momentarily before sighing. "Please...I know you're anxieties up. But...you have come at a busy time."

The sound of doors opening made Val and the rest face toward the entrance.

"Tell Val to be open." Ronan whispered in Marisa's ear. Marisa turned about to argue but he was gone. Finally.

The doors opened and in came Christof along with his kids.

Val flinched from his presence as if being physically hit. Her eyes harden, shifting to Pierce. She waved her arm out in Christof direction. "What the fuck--"

"Enough, Valerie," Pierce hissed out. She pinched the bridge of her nose, taking in a long breath. Saying her full name in that sharp tone definitely paused Val in a sudden reaction to snap back. Pierce watched Val breathe loud through her nose.

It was instinct to defend her friend. Marisa was about to tell Pierce to back off when she thought of Ronan's last words. "Val. Keep an open mind."

"Seriously," Val said harshly. "Open mind." Val shook her head. "Big mistake in coming here. I'll call next time. Continue playing house."

Val expected Allira and Drake to follow. When neither moved, Val turned sharply. "We are leaving."

Drake arched a brow. "Not like this, we aren't."

Through a half locked jaw, Val snarled. "I am not asking."

"Val..." Pierce shouted.

"Do you mean Valerie?" She snarled. Hearing Pierce call Val by her full name really stung. It was an unexpected sting. It was like Paula calling her by her full name in chastisement. Unsettling.

There was a heated look in Pierce's eyes. "You better calm down, really fast?"

"Or what? You and dad here..." Val pointed toward Christof and continued... "will ground me. Put me in the doggy cage?"

"Babe..." Drake spoke softly, not sure the root of Val's issues.

Val turned sharply to her mate and everyone took a step back. "What?" she growled.

Kathleen came to Val swiftly, and instinctively, Marisa stepped up front, protective. "Back off. I got this." Marisa yanked Val out of the Mansion sized home. A far enough distance, Marisa checked her friend out. Val's human teeth were gone, replaced with sharp canines. Ears nearly shifted to the shape of a wolf, eyes sapphire. Skin profuse with sweat.

Grabbing both ends of Val's face, Marisa gazed into her best friends eyes. "Look at me." Val's eyes wandered, mentally distressed. "You are panicking. Fight or flight. Remember that." It had been several years since seeing Val so flared up. When they were younger Val had major anxiety issues of her own; panic attacks on a regular. This time, things were different. She had a Alpha werewolf and Fae power inside her. The grass beneath Val's feet singed as if she personally burned it with all her heated rage. "Controlling myself is--"

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