Princess curls!

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Disclaimer i dont own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.Rick roirdan does.

Future Percy p.o.v:

Aprodite walked into the room and said, "hello gods -oh and demigods- of the past I am here to show you percabeth moments from the past and future. So get comfy and enjoy! Oh and who wants to read 1st?" NO one raised their hands,"fine then I will start!"aprodite huffed.

And she began to read,

This is right after percy killed the minotaur, Here are percy first thoughts of Annabeth. Young love!

The monster was gone

The rain had stopped. The storm still rumbled,but only in the distance.I smelled like livestock and my knees were shaking.

"Little wimp" ares said.
"You forget he beat you at 12,"F.annabeth said.i felt myself smile at that comment.

My head felt like it was spliting open.

"Ow! That must hurt!"p.leo said clearly stating the ovious. "Yeh, real bad..."f.leo said, oh my gods their both as bad as each other.

I'd just seen my mother vanish.I wanted to lie down and cry,but there was grover,needing my help,so I managed to haul him up and stagger down into the valley, towards the lights of the farm house

I started to panic what will Annabeth do if a says something bad about her?

I was crying calling for my mother, but I held on to grover-I wasn't going to let him go.

"Oh percy so loyal","loyal percy" they all said something like that exempt the gods.

The last thing I remember is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a celling fan circling above me, moths flying around the yellow light, and stern faces of a fimiliar-looking beared man and a pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess.

"Really seaweed brain? Princess curls?"both Annabeths said together.
Both percys blushed a deep shade of red. The annabeth's smirked and high fived .

They both look down at me, and the girl says, "he's the one. He must be."

"Oh Annie!" P.thaila says.
"He is the one! isn't he?"F.thalia says winking.
She blushes a light pink."your cute when you blush" I say.she smiled and she cuddled up to me.

"It ends there," aprodite says,"but now I present to you...your children!"
F.annabeth looked at me with a smile. I wonder if I have kids with her? Probably. Then there was a flash of light and on a new couch thee was 11 kids sitting down they all introduced themselves,

A blond haired and green eyed boy stood up with a black haired, grey eyed girl and what looked like a girl version of me; black hair, green eyes.

They said,"luke Charles jackson," he pointed to the grey eyed black haired girl,"Ashley sofia Jackson," and the girl me,"Selena Jackson," then they said together, "children of Percy &
Annabeth Jackson."

I stood there shocked, but happy at least I married Annabeth. Annabeth was smiling at her kids well the future and past one.

The a brown haired blue eyed girl stepped forward, "Bianica Grace Di Algelo, child of Thalia and Nico Di Algaelo."

We all had out jaws dropped!
THALIA! A HUNTER! Is married! And has a KID!
AND TO nico!
(A.n- is ship Thalico so pretend nico isn't gay)

When the thalias had stopped screaming and the nico had to we all waited for the rat od the kids to introduce themselves,

A pair of boys, maybe twins with blond hair and ever changing eyes, though they looked mostly blue to me.
"Hi I'm James Grace and this is," said the right twin the left twin said,"Carlos Grace", together they said,"we are children of Jason and Piper Grace."

P.jason and f.jason smiled at their kids while the Piper's hugged them.

Then a kid with brown hair and eyes came up and said,"Hi I'm Sammy Zhang, Hazel and Frank Zhang's child."

The Hazels smiled and hugged their kid.

A raven-black haired girl stepped forward and said,'D'Arcy Valdez","Reyna and Leo's kid!"as she smiled.

Then aphrodite said that the past demigods and their were leaving so we said goodbye and they left in a flash.

"I'm reading next, it seems it's is a moment that happened during that giant war."Athena says...omg this is gonna be so fun.... (note the sarcasm)

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