underwater kiss

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Apollo cleared his throat, and began...

Slowly, the dinner Crowd trickled away.some went to bed, others went to the campfire singalong.
I sat on the posiedon table by myself and watched the moonlight on Long Island sound.I could see Grover and Juniper at the beach holding hands, it was peaceful.

'Hey ' Annabeth slid next to me on the bench,'happy birthday.'
She was  holding a huge misshapen cupcake with blue icing.

Percy and Annabeth smiled at each other, they knew exactly what was gonna happen next.

I stared at her.'what?'
'It's August 18th,'she said,'your birthday, right?'
I was stunned it hadn't occurred to  me but she was right. I had turned 16 this morning- the same morning I had  made the choice to give Luke the knife.
The prophecy had been right on schedule,  and I hadn't even thought  about the fact it was my birthday.

"Only you can forget your birthday, Percy,  only you." Reyna said with Hazel
"She's right Percy, "Frank said.
"Sorry dude but you do have a horrible memory."Jason said.
Percy huffed.

'Make a wish ' she said.
'Did you bake ir yourself?'
'Tyson helped"
'Which explains why it looks like a choclate brick,'I say,'with exta-blue cement.'
Annabeth laughed.
I thought for a second then blew out the candles.

We cut in half ams shared, eating with our fingers.
Annabeth sat next to me as we watched the ocean.
'you saved the world's he said
'We saved the world'
'And Rachel is the new Oracle so she won't t be dating anybody'

"Annabeth you don't seem disappointed!"Piper said

'You don't sound disappointed,' I noticed.
'Oh I don't care.'

Piper raised an eyebrow.
"Really?"Thalia questioned.
"I don't believe you!" Hazel said.

She raised an eyebrow,' got something to say to me seaweed brain?'
'You'de probably kick my butt'
'You know I'd kick your butt'

"No need for violence, Annabeth!" Hazel said.
"She just kidding " Frank explained
"Oh " Hazel said.

I brushed the cake off my hands,
'When I was at the river styx, turning invulnerabl...Nico said I had to concentrate on the one thing that kept me anchored to the world, that made me want to stay moral. '

Annabeth kept her eyes on the horizon, 'yeah?'

'Then in olympus they wanted to make me a god and stuff,I kept thinking-'
'You so wanted to'
'Well maybe a little. But I didn't. Because I thought- I didn't want things to be the same for eternity,
Because things could only get better. And u was thinking...' my throat felt really dry.

"What were you thinking perce?"Jason questions.
"You'll find out soon,"he replied

"Anyone  in particular?" Annabeth asked, her voice soft.
I looked over and saw she was trying not to smile.
"Your laughing at me,"I complained
'I am not!'
'You are so not making this easy'

Then she laughed for real and it her hands around my neck.'I am never, ever going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain.Get used to it.'

"What gonna happen now!"aprodite  squelled.
"Shut up and then you'll see,"Thalia said.

When she kissed me, I had this feeling my brain had melting right through your body.

Then piper and aphrodite squelled,
"Ahh percabeth!"
"Pipes, your aphrodite is showing,"
Jason whispered to her.

I could've stayed that way forever,
But someone being us growled,"Well, it's about time!'
Suddenly the whole pavilion was fulled with torchlight and campers.

Clarisse led the way as the  earsdropers hoisted us into their shoulders.
'Oh come on!' I complained 'is there no privacy?'
'The love birds need to cool off'
Clarisse said with glee.
'The conoe lake!'Connor stoll yelled.

"Annabeth! You never told me this!" Piper said
"It wasn't really important,"she said

With a huge cheer they carried us down the hill, but close enough to hold hands . Annabeth was Laughing, I couldn't help but laugh to even though my face was completely red.

We held hands right up to the moment they dumped us into the water.
Afterwards I had the last laugh. I made an air bubble at the bottom of the lake. Our friends kept waiting for us to come up, but hey-
When your the son of posiedon,
You don't have to hurry.

And it was pretty much the best under water kiss of all time.

"Annabeth! How is that not important?that is the best part!" Piper said
"Come on! You gotta admit that's cute!" Hazel stated
"It is kinda cute.. not as cute as Percy..."Annabeth mumbled
"Sorry Annabeth did you just say I'm cute?"Percy said smirking.
Annabeth wasn't going to tell him what she really said,"I said Jason's cute,"
Percy pouted.
"Annabeth I know your lying, so tell me the truth,"Percy said
"No...maybe...UGH! Fine I did!"
"Yes!"Percy smirked.

"I love you seaweed brain,"
"I love you to Wisegirl,"
And they kissed and he could've stayed that was forever but someone
*cough* aphrodite*cough* had to be squealing in the background interupting them.

They pulled away from each other and she leaned her head into his cheast.

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