percabeth reunion!

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Disclaimer :
i dont own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, sad I know right! But you see the person who does is....

Rick Roirdan!(yes the guy who put percabeth in tartarus!)

Posiedon took the book off athena and began to read;

Annabeth p.o.v
Then someone else appeared from the crowd, and annabeth's vision tunnelled.

Percy smiled at her - that sarcastic, troublemaker smile that had annoyed her for years but eventually became endearing.

His sea  green eyes were as gorgeous as she'd remembered.

His dark hair swept to one side, like he'd just come from a long walk on the beach.

He looked even better than he had 6 months ago - more taller and tanner, leaner and more muscular.

Thalia wiggled her eyebrows and everyone stared at Annabeth . she wanted to die ir was so embarrassing! Percy kissed her and said,"so I have an amazing smile, eyes and body? But you have a better smile, better eyes and a perfect body."he said causing her to blush.

Annabeth was to stunned to move.
She felt that if she got any closer to him all her molecules in her body might combust.

She'd secretly had a crush on him since they were 12.Ladt summer shed fallen for him hard. They'd been a happy couple for 4 months- and then he'd disappeared.

"Since you were 12?"Piper said!
"That's long..."Hazel said.

During their separation,  something had happened to her feelings. They'd grown intense - like now shed been forced to withdraw for a lifesaving medication.

Now shed wasn't sure which was more excruciating - living with the horrible absence or being with him again.

" Which did you choose?"Jason asked.
Piper hit him on the head.
"Well she's with him now ,so what do you think? Such an Idiot!"she said.
"Well you're my idiot"

Annabeth didn't mean to ,but she surged forward. Percy rushed d towards her at the same time.the crowd tensed. Some reached for their swords that weren't there.

Percy threw his arms around her.

They kissed, and for a moment nothing else mattered.An asteroid could of git the planet an d wiped it all of life.she wouldn't of cared.

"Now I know how you feel when we kiss..."percy said," I feel the same, by the way..."they blushed and kissed.

Percy smelled of ocean air.His lips were salty.

'Seaweed brain'she thought giddily.
Percy pulled away and studies her face," gods, I never thought-"

"Omg annabeth! TMI!!!" Thalia screamed.
Piper and aprodite began squealing.
"So my lips are salty, Eh?"he said, she smiled and kissed him,"salty as the sea,"

*bla bla annabeth juno flips percy*
"if you ever leave me again,"she said,"I swear to all gods-"

Percy had the nerve to laugh. Suddenly the lump of heated emotions melt in Annabeths stomach.

Leo says, "we were all kinda scared for percy when he laughed annabeth's really scary!"
"It's cute that I do that to you, but your cuter."

"Consider me warned " Percy said,"I miss you too."

Annabeth rose and helped him to his feet.she wanted to kiss him again so badly, but she managed to restrain herself.

"No one can resist me!"percy said.
"Oh so you kissing other  girls now?"Annabeth said jokingly bit percy didn't catch on,"WHAT! No Wisegirl I would never ever, ever cheat on you,I love you for to much."
"I was kidding!"she said laughing, "but I love you too."she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Well that's it!"posiedon said,"who's reading now?"
Apollo's hand shot straight up.
Posiedon handed over the book to Apollo and he began to read...

Hoped you enjoyed!

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