"I'm so sorry.. I didn't know.." I inhaled and was very worrisome as I spoke. I really didn't know what to do.

He took in a breath as he slightly threw back his head, then tossed a hand through his smooth hair, "you're fine, I probably did go a little too far. And for that, I apologize." By the way he spoke his sorrow, you could tell he didn't apologize too often.

I awkwardly stared down at my hands and fimbled them together nervously. I tried to not pay attention to him, nor my pounding headache.

"What's your name?" He asked me in his Alpha tone. I sat quietly on the slightly uncomfortable bed as I spoke.

"Mia" I responded, still focused on my fiddling fingers. I wasn't long before I felt a rough, yet soft hand graze under my chin and refocused my vision on him.

"Mia... What a gorgeous name for a stunning woman." He spoke rather smoothly, but really stressing the words 'gorgeous' and 'stunning'. I couldn't help but to fall in love with the way my name would roll off his tongue.

I let a small smile spread across my lips as I looked down to my lap, "what's your name, please?" I said under my breath, not trying to come off too rudely.

"Leon, Alpha Leon of the Blue moon pack." He talked proudly of his title, and you could tell it meant a lot to him. I nodded my head slightly just to inform him that I understood.

"Do you even know what that makes you? I mean, you are the one I've been waiting a long while for, the one I will live my entire life with, mate and raise a family with. Your my Mate, gorgeous mate at that, and the moon Godess couldn't have done a better job." I lifted my head back to his as I heard him finish speaking. Now I feel awful.

He thinks that it would be his children growing inside my womb, but already another mans childing is forming. I may actually be the worst mate in the history of mates.

"What time is it?" I asked, ready to fall back into a deep slumber and have a refreshed mind later.

"Actually it's about 3:00am. You were knocked out for a while and I refused to leave your side. I just had to be the first one to see those captivating, chocolate brown eyes open." I let my mouth form the shape of an 'o' as I processed the words. He really did care.

I scooted back on the corner of the bed as I wrapped my dainty arms around my knees. I pressed my back against the cold wall and leaned my head backwards. I had no clue where I was and this hospital like bed was not helping me feel any more comfortable.

"Does your head still hurt? I'll go get the doctor." Leon stood up from his chair, worried written all over his face. I lightly shook my head no thank you, but gave him a reassuring smile.

"I guess I'm just sleepy, that's all." I said while closing my eyes and relaxing my body. I couldn't exactly go to sleep as Leon sat and stared.

When I got somewhat comfortable, I felt large arms wrap around me as I let out a small gasp. I looked up to see Leon carrying me out of the boxy room and upstairs to another.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked while gazing up at him. It was soon later when he laid me across an extremely plush bed, then draped silky sheets across my body. I looked up to see a massive, varied room that was colored of grays, whites, and blacks. It had lots of furniture and wide double doors.

"You will not sleep down there. I know from experience on how uncomfortable those beds are, and I want you to feel welcomed considering this is your new home. You are very important here and should be treated with such respect." He spoke and looked deeply into my eyes. He was walking over to drawers and pulling out a pair of boxers, probably preparing to sleep.

"So this is your room, your bed?" I asked, then he nodded in response. He walked into a room and entered it while closing it slightly behind him. I relaxed into the comfy bed as I adjusted the pillows. He had a lot and I usually didn't sleep with as much. My wolf was happy that we'd finally found the one, but wasn't sure what he'd say once he finds out. All I know is that she'd make my life a living hell if he reject us because of this.

I got comfortable, then I heard a door creaking open and Leon come out.

"I guess I'll just sleep on the couch." he said while making his way over to the bed and grabbing a couple of pillows. I didn't exactly like the idea of me taking his bed and pushing him onto the couch. It just seemed rude.

"No it's fine I'll sleep on the couch, it's no problem." I spoke while sitting up. He quickly motioned for me to lay back down as he shook his head no. As much as he denied, it still didn't feel right.

"Please, just lay up here with me tonight... But only if you want to..." I spoke unsure at the end. He looked back at me sort of questioning and I instantly felt conscious.

He finally laid down on the other side of the bed, and I placed a pillow between us just to make sure nothing would happen.

"Okay, I'll just stay on this side and you on the other I guess." I said while laying back down and getting comfortable once more.

"Well, I can't promise you anything." He spoke, then relaxed himself onto the bed. His hand draped over the pillow, already breaking the boundary.

I could hear his light snores as I struggled to sleep. I finally managed to rest my eyes and doze off seconds later, but still scared of what he'd have to say when the truth spilled.


A.N- hey guyyysss!! It's sooooo late and I really need to sleep so it's not the best.




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