British Bird - Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely," Marc says with a wink.

"Where is Raven?" North asks Axel and I look over my shoulder at him. He seems to be feeling a bit uncomfortable in his suit, as he keeps fiddling with the buttons at his wrists and shuffling his feet.

"Keeping an eye on Theo," Axel tells North.

Silas and North share a look. "We'll go be with them," Silas says. He quickly gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Be back soon, Aggele."

"Won't be long, Baby. Just want to see what mood Theo is in, no doubt he's been forced here." I nod my head, understanding completely.

I watch them walk off before turning my gaze back to Axel and Marc, only to find myself seeing double as another two guys have joined us. "Umm..." I mumble.

Kota chuckles. "Sang, meet twins Corey and Brandon Henshaw. If you find a way to tell them apart, let us know."

I look back at Corey and Brandon, trying to find something that could separate them apart. Suddenly, my eyes are drawn to theirs and in one pair of their eyes I can see a deep sadness and sorrow I've only seen when I've looked in the mirror.

It's not something I want to point out in front of everyone though so I decide to keep it to myself. "It's nice to meet you both."

"And you, Brit," the one with the sad eyes says. "I'm Brandon, and that's Corey."

I smile and nod my head just as Cara calls my name and comes strutting over. However, she's distracted by Axel, Marc, Corey, and Brandon and immediately a smile spreads across his face. "Oh my, you boys are all growing up way too fast for my liking."

"If you came to visit more often, 'us boys' growing into men wouldn't be such a huge shock to you," Marc teases.

Cara rolls her eyes. "Shush, you. I promise to come and catch up with you in a little bit, but for now, can I steal Sang? I have a few people I would like her to meet."

She directs the question to Owen and Victor, who still hold one of my arms each through one of theirs. They release me with heavy but quiet sighs. "I'll be back," I tell them. "Go mingle... or whatever. I can't imagine I'll be long."

Luke scoffing has me looking at him. "We'll see you at midnight then," he says with a smirk.

I narrow my eyes and shake my head, but allow Cara to pull me away from the group of boys. For the next hour, I'm introduced to many people and I can't help but wonder if everyone here is Academy. I don't ask though, but I do smile, shake hands, and thank them for coming.

"Is it my turn to be introduced to the little bird, Cara? I've been waiting patiently." The voice has both Cara and I turning. An older man wearing a white tux with a black bow tie now stands before us.

Cara laughs and shakes her head. "I was saving the best for last, Phil." Cara glances at me with an easy smile. "Sang, this is Dr Phil Roberts, Dr Roberts, this is my daughter Sang."

"It's such an honour to finally meet you, Sang. I've heard so much about you from Johnny and Cara since you were placed into their care."

"Oh," I whisper, surprised. "It's nice to meet you, Dr. Roberts."

"Call me Phil, little bird," he says with a light laugh. "I'm not at the hospital right now, so it's acceptable."

Cara laughs. "That's not true, Sang. Dr Roberts is only saying that because you're a little sweetheart."

Phil rolls his eyes. "You were a sweetheart once, Cara."

"Exactly, Phil. Once."

"And to think you're influencing this little ray of sunshine." Both Phil and I laugh when Cara pouts like a small child.

I stand with them for another ten minutes, talking about our trip and what I'll be doing when I return home. The second topic was hard to think about, let alone talk about it, so as soon as I could, I found my exit and went in search of the boys.

Unable to find them, I stop and scan the room. I spot Corey or Brandon and head over to him. When I reach him, I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around. My eyes immediately go to his and I realise it's Corey. "Sang, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just wondering if you know where the guys are?"

"They went out the patio doors for some fresh air. I believe Raven and Theo are with them."

"Great. Thanks, Corey."

I turn to leave but he stops me by calling my name. I raise an eyebrow at him and he smiles, a look of surprise on his face. "How did you know?" He asks.

I smile. "It's the eyes." He frowns at my answer, but I decide to not elaborate. I turn and start heading through the crowd until I reach the patio doors.

Before I have a chance to step outside though, something catches my attention. Standing in the corner is a woman, one I have yet to meet. She looks nervous holding a glass of champagne, her eyes darting around the room.

But it's not just the woman that has me pausing; it's the men that surround her protectively. There are four of them, two that stand either side of her, one at her back and the fourth just in front with their body tilted to still allow her sight of the room.

The one of the left of her says something and kisses her cheeks while the one behind her puts a hand on her waist. I could be reading this wrong, but, I don't think I am.

They're all with her.

In love with her. And she loves them.

It makes me smile, to witness something like this.

The woman looks in my direction and our eyes meet. She seems startled to find me watching her, and I'm surprised she even noticed me. She frowns before smiling lightly, recognition coming across her face, almost as if she knows who I am.

"I've told her all about you," Axel says, coming up behind me to stand at my side. "That's Lily and the Anderson team. The first polyamorous relationship within the Academy—they love her, and she returns their love just as fiercely."

"Why did you tell her about me?" I ask, breaking eye contact with Lily so I can look at Axel.

He ignores my question, instead saying, "Sang, I truly believe that one day, that will be you with the Blackbourne Team." He smiles down at me, his gaze soft. "It might not be today, or tomorrow... but definitely someday."

Axel may believe it, but right now, I can only hope for it.

End Of Flashback

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