British Bird - Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: Get Aqua's Barrie Girl ready on your phones, computers, iPads, whatever you listen to music on. It'll be so much better. You should know when, but just in case, I'm putting in a *, so look for that.

British Bird
Chapter Eighteen

Flashback – Thirteen years old

We stay in the pool well into the evening. We've dived, jumped, flipped, raced. Competed for who can hold their breath the longest, made bets, had other mini competitions, and played different water sport games. Anything you can think of, we did.

Victor and Gabriel produced a waterproof video camera and normal photo camera. I can't wait to see what photos and videos they got. I know I was told to 'strike a pose' a lot by Gabriel and 'show of to the camera' by Victor. Each time I just laughed, but did as I was requested.

Now I'm sitting in the backseat of Sean's car, wrapped in a towel, my hair wet over my shoulders. Gabriel told me not to bother dressing as I'll need to shower and change when I got back to the Taylor household. He also said he was going to do my hair. I'm giddy with excitement about the whole fashion show thing now.

Sean pulls his car into the gravel driveway and cuts the engine. He gets out of the driver's seat, Silas gets out of the passenger, and Kota and Victor get out of the seats on either side of me. I climb to the door and go to put my foot down when I remember that it's gravel all the way to the front door.

"Can I have my shoes?" I call. Sean laughs as he closes his door and comes to me.

"How about I carry you in?" He offers.

I shake my head. "No, I can walk. I just need my shoes."

His eyes narrow playfully, and I narrow mine back in a warning; don't do whatever you're planning to do, Sean Green. He grins and turns around, crouching down in front of me. He reaches for my legs, but I pull them up to my chest, out of reach. "No. Just get me my shoes."

He sighs, but with a tilt of my head I can see his cheeks up, which tells me he's grinning. "Just wrap those pretty legs around me, Pookie." My heart flutters at the name. It just jumps at what he said and how it sounded. He must click on to my thoughts, because he clears his throat. "Let me give you a piggy back ride."

I sigh and drop my legs. "But I can walk if you get me my shoes."

The gravel crunching under weight has me looking up, and seeing Kota waving my white dolly shoes in the air a few feet away. "You'll have to come and get them."

"Hey, no fair," I cry. "Give me my shoes!"

"Let the Doc give you a piggyback ride, Sang." I pout at Victor, who laughs before shaking his head. "He won't drop you."

I sigh. Again. Fine. If it's the only way I'm going to get into the house, I'm gonna have too. I slide forward and wrap my arms around his shoulders and neck, before sliding my legs around his middle. He pulls my legs tighter around him, and I lock them at my ankles. He keeps low as he moves forward, making sure he's clear of the car before stretching to his full height. "There, that isn't so bad, is it?"

"I haven't decided yet," I mumble. I tighten my arms around him.

Owen's car pulls in and everyone climbs out. The front door opens before we get there and Johnny shakes his head. "Why are you carrying her, Sean?"

"They wouldn't give me my shoes," I tell him before Sean can.

Sean laughs. "This pretty girl should be carried everywhere."

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