Chapter 16

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"If you're asking if I need you, the answer is forever. If you're asking if I will leave you, the answer is never. If you're asking what I value, the answer is you. If you're asking if I love you, the answer is I do. Forever."


I was organizing  a surprise birthday party for him. I was more excited than ever, you could tell that by the constant smile I had on my face the whole day. Noah was at the hotel signing his remaining ownership papers, what he didn't know that I was planning a surprise at his apartment, which I have to thank Uncle Ben for handing me over Noah's apartment key.

I've been decorating the house for  two hours with the help of my mother, Charlotte and Sean. Suddenly my phone rings indicating that Noah is calling and I answered it.

" Hey Babe. I'm almost done with the paper work. You coming to the hotel?" He asks.

" Okay. I'm coming. Bye. Love you." I said trying not to be nervous.

"Great then. Meet you there.Love you too." He said ending the call.

I quickly instruct the remaining things to my friends and got in my car. I reached the hotel and he was happy to give me the news that he had signed all the papers. I was so happy for him, my man was now the manager of a big hotel.  

" Congrats Babe. I am so happy for you" I said hugging him.

" Thanks Sunshine. I can't believe I have to handle the hotel from now on."
He muttered with a slight worry on his face.

" Everything will be alright. Lets have a celebration. What do you say?" I said crossing my fingers hoping for him to agree.

" Yeah that's a great idea. Where should we go?"

" Lets get ice cream first. I so want to eat ice cream right now." I said making puppy eyes at him.

"Of course Sunshine. Anything you want." He said and gave a kiss on my cheeks.

We both got in the car and quickly drove to a ice cream parlour. We walked in and went to the counter.

" Excuse me. We want to order ice cream." Noah said to the boy at the counter.

" Sure. What flavor would you like?" The boy asked Noah. The boy seemed only a little older than us.

" What would you like Sunshine? I don't know what to order, you like every flavor." Noah said smiling at me. The boy was looking at me too. More like staring.

" I'm in the mood for chocolate." I said to Noah. The boy was still staring at me and this time Noah noticed it.

" Sure babe." Noah said, pulling me by the waist and planting a kiss on my cheek. The boy immediately looked away as Noah glared at him. I understood that Noah did that to show the boy that I'm his.

" We would like a chocolate and a Vanilla butterscotch ice cream." Noah said to the boy, still glaring at him. I was smiling like a fool at his possessive behavior.

Saving Zeisha - Completed √Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant