Chapter 14

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"Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution."



We entered the school building holding hands and looked at Noah who had a tense look on his face.

Noah had picked me up from my house but something was different about him today. He seemed worried about some matter, so I decided to ask him but he said it was nothing. I dropped it at that time but I will know it because watching him like that is making me worry about him.

" Hey guys" A voice shouted as it nears us. We both turned and the sight of Charlotte and Sean welcomed us. I noticed that they both had their hands held together with eachother and were making googly eyes. I double-checked them but they were the same.

They must have noticed me looking at them so Charlotte asked, " What? Why are you looking at us like that? You are freaking me out."

I still didn't replied as I looked at them with widely open eyes. Noah nudged me on my arm and muttered, " Are you okay, babe?"

That got me back from the shock and I squealed loudly making everyone around us stopping and looking at me shockingly. Even I was suprised that I can do that. They haven't seen me smile much so that squeal was shocking for them maybe.

" OMG! OMG!! You guys are a couple now? I knew it will happen. My ship has sailed. Yay!"

I was shrieking jumping up and down. They both nodded and smiled blushingly as I said that. I turned to look at Noah expecting a surprised look on his face but he was not at all surprised.

" You knew about them? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

" They wanted to tell you by themselves. I knew because I caught them making out yesterday at a coffee shop I was passing by after I dropped you at the hospital." He muttered gently and smirked at Charlotte and Sean who were blushing furiously. Atleast his mood changed.

" Oooh so thats what happened. But anyways I am really happy for you both" I mumbled and hugged them both.

" Sorry Zee. I couldn't come to meet you when you woke up. I had some family problem." Sean muttered sadly.

" No worries Sean. It's fine with me." I said smiling reassuringly.

" Lets go guys. Or else we'll be late. I don't want detention." Noah muttered and we all nodded and made our way towards the class.

The classes went by quickly but I noticed that Noah was acting really strange. Whenever I tried to start a conversation, he only replied with short answers. He had a distant look on his face which was making me worried. I decided to ask him again during recess.

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