Chapter 13

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" Everyone has their story. Everyone has issues. You just have to face your demons."


I woke up groaning as my alarm clock goes off on my bedside. I checked the time: 9:00 am. Shit. I have to meet the therapist the hospital appointed today at 10. I am fucking late.

I quickly got up and ran to my bathroom, taking a quick shower. I hurriedly change into black jeans and a plain tshirt and a leather jacket on top of it and decided to braid my hair. I take a look on the clock on my wall and it says: 10:35 am. Oh I clean up fast. I start searching for my purse but suddenly my phone buzzes. I picked up the phone and it was a message from Noah.

I am outside your house. Come quick you'll be late, Sunshine.

My heart flutters as I read the message. He remembers my appointment. He is the best boyfriend.

Not wasting more time, I ran down the stairs and bid my mom goodbye and kissed her on the cheek. When I got outside I saw my handsome boyfriend leaning up to his car and his eyes on me with a cheeky smile. I neared him and gave a quick kiss to him.

" Hello Boyfriend. How are you doing this fine day?" I asked cheekily. I was in a great mood today.

" Well girlfriend, my day just got way better seeing you." He muttered with a cheesy smile. I giggled and hugged him.

" Aren't you charming, my beloved prince?" I muttered as my head lays on his chest.

" If I am a prince, then you are my princess. Shall we get married now?" He asked teasingly as he plays with my hair. I was blushing hot.

" We'll surely do that one day , my prince. But right now, we are late. Lets go driver." I muttered as I pulled back from him and pushed him to get to the driver seat.

" Yes Madame" He said saluting me and opening the car door for me. I rolled my eyes smiling and got inside.
As usual, he took my hand in his grasp and started the car.

As we reached the hospital where the therapist was waiting for me, I get out of the car.

" Sunshine, I'll pick you up after an hour. I have to get to the hotel. Uncle Ben wants to talk about something. I don't want to leave you alone but he says its something important. Will you be okay, love?" He mutters with a frown on his face. He looks cute.

" Ofcourse I'll be okay. Don't worry Noah. I can handle it." I said reassuringly. He nodded and gave a quick kiss and ventered off to his car.

I hurriedly got inside the hospital and reached the counter and asked the receptionist about my appointment. She directed me towards the therapist's room. As I reached the therapist's door, I knocked politely on the door. A deep voice came from the room telling me to come in. So the therapist is a guy.

I turned the door knob and ushered inside. There sat a man beside a table going through his phone dreamily. It looked a little weird but as I saw the look on his face. It held love in it. Must be talking to his girlfriend or maybe wife.

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