Chapter 09

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" One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is LOVE "



I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you. That's how I fell in love with Zeisha unknowingly.

 One week has passed and Zeisha haven't waked up yet. I visit her and bring her flowers everyday hoping that maybe she'll wake up today. But I won't lose hope I would be strong for her. Melissa and me took breaks staying with Zeisha as I had to carry on going to school and Melissa had to go to work. Zeisha's friends Charlotte and Sean also came by sometimes to check on her. The doctor told us that she is getting better everyday and hopefully she would be waking up soon.

Melissa came back from work and told me to go home and take rest . I hesitantly agreed as I wanted to be with her at the time she wakes up. When I got home I saw my flat's light was open. Thinking it might be some burglar, I quickly inserted my key in the lock hoping to catch the intruder but it was already open. I instantly  got inside and looked around. As I neared to my bedroom I heard sounds of my television. I immediately opened the door ready to face the burglar and what I saw shocked me to hell. My cheater ex-girlfriend was laying on my couch watching TV, eating popcorn.

"What the fuck!! What are you doing here? I shouted startling as she felled from the couch with the popcorn now dumped on her head. I almost laughed at her. Key word: Almost.

"Babyyy, you are back! I missed you." She said lunging at me weirdly. I quickly took a step back confused as hell.

"Why are you here Taylor? How did you even get in?" I asked dubiously.

" Baby you gave me a spare key, remember? After all I am your girlfriend." She stated clearly.Oh fuck! I didn't change the locks.

"Are you mad or something? I dumped you 8 months ago. Now get the hell out of my house" I shouted once again but she didn't budged.

" Noah I love you and you love me. I even told that bitch Zeisha that you are mine and you only love me." She said stomping her foot on the floor like a child.

"You did what? Have you lost your fucking mind Taylor? I don't love you nor I ever will. I only love Zeisha." I stated fiercely.
"What?! You love that piece of shit?" she shouted in a high, squeaky voice.

" Yes I do. Now get out of my house or I'll call the police."I said threateningly.

She was on the verge of tears but quickly composed herself plastering a smirk on her face.
" Well you love her but she doesn't. I told her that you were playing her and you only wanted to use her." She said making me angry.

" What the hell! You bitch! You lied to her? For what? I would never accept you!" I spatted out furiously. She was getting scared of me now as a low whimper left her mouth. She was getting on my fucking nerves. Has she become a psycho?

" I don't hit women but if you don't step out right now thats going to change." I muttered in a deadly cold voice.

"But I loveee yoooouu! Just because you broke up with me doesn't mean I broke up with you" She started wailing with fake tears, So I got close to her. Thinking that I was going to express my undying love for her she quickly looked up with hopeful teary eyes. 

I took my lips near her ear as she took a deep breath and spoke in a deadly cold voice, " Go fuck Someone else" I smirked at her and grabbed her wrist and kicked her outside of my apartment and shut the door on her shocked face.

As I calmed down from all that drama I realized what Taylor said. Zeisha thinks I was playing her. That I was just using her. No. She can't think that. I love her. Oh my god. Is that why she tried to kill herself? Oh no. I have to tell her the truth.

I got onto my bike and drove to the hospital. I got to the room and Melissa was there patting zeisha's head and talking to her. Debating on whether or not I should disturb her I acted on my nerves and knocked on the door politely.Melissa turned around to face me.

"Noah! Is something wrong? Why aren't you at home? Do you need something?" Melissa asked with a motherly tone.

" Everything is fine Melissa. I just wanted to speak to Zeisha. Alone." I said politely.

"But whats wrong? Why are you panting so much?" She asked but quickly added when I didn't respond.

"Um ok. I'll go get something to eat. Do you want something?" She asked worriedly.

I shook my head and she nodded and left me alone with Zeisha. I looked at my angel lying peacefully. I felt guilty of it. She tried to kill herself because of me. I took a seat beside her and took her hands into mine lovingly.

" Sunshine, I want you to know that only love you. I know you can hear me and I want to tell you that I was not using you. And that Taylor who told you all this bullshit is my cheater ex-girlfriend. I don't want her. I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you. You make me happy in ways no one else can. So please wake up so I can hold you into my arms and never let you go ever." I muttered putting my head on our conjoined hands and cried hysterically. My tears wetting her hand.

I felt a hand on my back and I knew who it was. I have grown familiar to her touch who makes me recall my mother.

" Everything will be alright. We have to control herself. It will add stress to zeisha's state of mind." She said softly.

I nodded weakly at her but remained seated with zeisha's hand on mine.
All of a sudden I felt zeisha's hand tightened on my hand but I dismissed it  as my imagination.

But it tightened again and I saw her fingers move. I looked up at Melissa shockingly to see if she saw that and she had. She happily shrieked and called out.

"Doctor! Nurse! My baby is awake. Come quickly." 


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Saving Zeisha - Completed √Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora