Chapter 07

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"Everything heals. Your heart heals. The mind heals. Wounds heal. Your happiness is always going to comeback. Bad times don't last."


~ Noah

" I'm Sorry" The doctor said.

"What?!" Melissa shrieked crying hysterically taking her head into her hands.

The doctor quickly realized his mistake and corrected himself apologetically.

"Sorry Ma'am I didn't meant she died but she is in coma due to her head injury and is very weak because of the cut on her wrist. It could have been fatal but she was lucky. We can't say when will she wake up you can only hope and pray to god. She can wake up today, it can also take weeks or maybe a month. You can meet her after some time but clearly she is unconscious. But she can hear you. Just don't exert stress on her. She is very delicate now. " He explained gently.

I nodded at him and shook his hand. Melissa was shocked at the news as she didn't reply to the doctor. As the doctor left I turned to Melissa and patted her back.

"She'll be okay. She will fight this coma. We just have to wait. Hopefully she'll wake up soon." I muttered reassuringly.

She just nodded at me with a weak smile. I am devastated but I don't let it show on my face. It's just my way of dealing with this type of situations. Soon a nurse came up to us and told us that we can meet Zeisha. Her mom quickly got to her feet and ran to the room as I look at them from the patient's room window. Melissa was a mess seeing her daughter lying on that bed unconscious. Tears welled up in my eyes as I remember my own mother. She and my father had left me in this cruel world. I don't want Zeisha to leave me too.

Melissa came out after some time and told me to go inside and stay with Zeisha while she completes some financial work at the reception. I take seat beside the hospital bed where Zeisha laid and gently caress her head.She had a bandage on her hand and head. Tears falling out my eyes as I look at her state. Even like this she looks so beautiful just like an angel.

" Hey Zee! Your mom has gone to complete some work , and I'm sitting here crying like a baby. I can't live without you. You need to wake up, do you hear me? Please wake up, Please wake up soon Sunshine. Your mom is in a great distress, she just want her baby to wake up. I know you can fight this" I mumbled sadly. I knew I wouldn't get any reply but decided anyways to share my story to her.

" I-I had a rough past. I dealt with something no 10 year old should go through. My parents left me . Both my mom and dad died in a car crash while I was waiting for them at home. When I saw their lifeless bodies my heart shattered. But their death caused me such trauma that I didn't even cried one tear." I muttered shakily. I never talked about this to anyone and now as I disclose my life tale to Zeisha I felt a load on my heart being taken away.

"I didn't speak to anyone for many years. At my previous school I was called The Mute Loner'as I only talked when necessary. But GOD wasn't happy with my devastated heart so he send someone to shatter my broken heart. My ex-girlfriend. Taylor. I wish she never came to my life. I hate her." I mumbled chuckling bitterly.

I did wish I could change my past but my dad once told me that you should never regret anything in life. If it's good, it's wonderful or if it's bad, it's all experience. I continued my chatter wishing she would answer me.

" I thought she was the one for me. I loved her. She acted as a nice girlfriend in front of me but was secretly cheating on me at some party. I forgave her thinking that it must have been a drunk mistake and someone took advantage of her. But that was not true. Next day after forgiving her, I learned from my good friend that my girlfriend didn't cheated once but several times. I was so enraged at her that I dumped her sorry ass right in front of the whole school revealing to everyone her cheating ways." I mumbled spitefully.

I looked at the angel lying in front of me listening peacefully to my jabber. She was not like Taylor. She knew what its like to be broken. She deals with emptiness inside her everyday. One look at her face when I first saw her told me everything. Her eyes spoke louder than words. Then when I saw her state after the photo shop fiasco. No matter what she says, it did affected her. Then and there I decided I have to save her so maybe she can save me too. Because sometimes two broken hearts can fix each other like two half pieces together, they complete each other.

"I just wanted to tell you Zeisha, I love you. I know you'll find it hard to believe me if I tell you how much you mean to me. Seeing you like this breaks my heart, please wake up. I want you to talk to me DAMMIT!" I abruptly shouted frustrated as more tears bulge out from eyes. I took my head between my hands a headache brewing up. I shouldn't be doing this it would stress Zeisha more. So I took her hand and rubbed it soothingly.

The door to the hospital room opens with a squeak. I look up, wiping my face with one hand, not wanting to let go of Zeisha's hand with my other one. Zeisha's mom gives me a sad look, and I gave her the same look. She is also sorrowful as her daughter is her only family. I face my angel again and give her cheek a soft kiss, wiping off fresh tears again before they can fall on her face.

"Sweety, I know you want to stay at her side but the nurse informed me that Zeisha needs some rest. Maybe come after some hours." Melissa muttered softly patting my back lightly.I nodded at her understandingly and stood up from the chair.

"I'll come to check on you again. Take care Sunshine."

I let go of her hand hesistantly and kissed her forehead and went out of the room.

I stayed outside with melissa not willing to go home. I was deep in thoughts about zeisha when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face melissa.

" Noah. I know that you love my daughter. I heard you talking to her." She mumbled keeping a straight look on her face.

" Um I-I..." I started nervously but was stopped by melissa helding up her hand.

"No Noah. I know you do. And I appreciate it. It's nice knowing that someone would be there for her when I wouldn't. I just wanted to say that please take care of her and don't break her heart. I don't know if she told you but she has become depressed after her father died. Or maybe there are other reasons too. I tried to help her but she wouldn't budge. But when you came into her life she started smiling and even went out with you. She came home smiling crazily. It was heartwarming to see her smile like that. YOU did that Noah. You are her hope now don't ever leave her I beg you." She spoke her heart out to me.

" Please don't beg me Melissa. I won't ever leave her. She needs me as much as I need her." I muttered gently and soon I was enveloped in a hug.

She reminds me of my own mother. My mom was also crazy but sweet and loving. Please Wake up Sunshine. I miss you.


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