Chapter 05

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"To look into that persons eyes and find yourself so completely lost in another world, a world full of absolute comfort and happiness." 

~ Zeisha

Weekends. I can sleep as much I want. But sadly nothing lasts long. I woke up with my mom shrieking for me to wakeup.

"Zeisha! Get downstairs now! Get off the bed now and for goodness' sakes, help me out. There's to much work today!" Mum had been yelling for the past half hour. It was amazing how good her lungs were for a woman who swore that she couldn't run a mile without needing her asthma puff.

After brushing, I grumpily went downstairs and helped her out. After hours of putting my lazy ass to work I went to my room. My hideout from everything.

I spent some time reading books sprawled across my bed and putting my artsy skills into work.The thought that I haven't touched a page of my homework crosses my mind, and I dismiss it easily.  I was interrupted by my  phone vibrating on my bedside. I didn't get messages often so I checked quickly to see who it was. My breath hitched in my throat as I read my crush's name. Noah.

It read * hey Z! Lets hangout*

I quickly replied Yeah sure. Where?

I got instant reply saying *Meet me at Kate's coffee shop in half an hour. Sounds good?*

Great. See you soon I replied trying hard to not sound desperate.

I quickly strip from my pyjamas and take a quick shower. I changed into black skinny jeans and a cute floral top. And tied my hairs into high ponytail.

"I'm going outside Mom. Meeting up with a friend. Bye " I shouted as I took my wallet and car keys.

"What!! Are you ok? You never go outside. OMG! I am so happy.Go Go enjoy!" My mom face turned from shocked to happy in mere seconds as she ushered me out.

Am I really going outside with a boy? Do I even trust him? I thought.
As I reached the coffee shop I met up with a godly looking Noah waiting for me outside. He was dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket.

All of a sudden I was crushed into his chest as he hugged me. I couldn't breath. I was not used to this much closeness so I abruptly detached myself from him looking at him with  a blank face. Flash of hurt passed through his eyes but he quickly composes himself. Maybe he understands.

We make our way to enter the shop he opens the door for me he mutters "After you" giving a warm smile melting my heart.
As we take seat at the table I look around to find some familiar faces staring at us with curiousness. I never liked being the center of attention. My anxiety kicking in. I cant make eye contact with Noah. I am tapping my foot nervously and keep adjusting my posture trying to not embarrass myself.  I was breathing heavily. Why is everyone looking at me?

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shaking hand on the table and I look up at him. His eyes showing sadness and love. Love? What? That cant be it.

" Calm down Sweetheart. I'm here." He say soothing me by taking my hand into his. He glared towards the people staring at us making them drop their gazes.

"Thanks Noah" I smiled at him gratefully.

"No Worries Z . Can you tell me what's wrong?" He says looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Um its just I don't like being subject to center of attention. I have social anxiety."I say not letting any emotion pass on with it.
" Hmm I'm sorry. I'll make sure our next date would not be too much crowded." He says look into my eyes with piercing gaze.
"Date? Are we on a date?" I ask astonishely my cheeks blushing bright red.
His smile turns into a smirk as he grabs my both hands holding them in his hand.
"Yeah we are. I like you. A lot. If you don't want to we can leave now. " He muttered with a bold but sad look.

"Why do you like me? I mean you have many other options. But why me?" I ask curiously with a slight red on my cheeks.
" Because you are different than other girls. You are smart. You are beautiful. You're little crazy and badass. And I love seeing you blush" He chuckles pinching my pink cheeks making me giggle. DAMN! I never giggle

"Maybe I like you too. You make me feel things I have never felt before." I uttered out making him smile widely. But then I realized what I said and hid my red face in my hands. why did i have to seem so desperate. Is this too fast?

"Thats comforting. Don't worry love. We'll take this slow. Lets get to know each other better. Tell me about yourself." He says gently taking me out of my thoughts.
"Well I like to sketch. Watch movies. I like sleeping a lot" I say making him chuckle lightly at my last statement.

We continued our exchange of talk with me avoiding to reveal him about my depressive thoughts. I am not ready for it. But the look on his face says otherwise.It was like that he knew me inside out. That he understands me. That he has his own ladder to enter my walls. And he is gonna make my problems vanish.

Something in my mind keeps speaking that I do trust him. And he might save me from my inner demons. All I can do is TRUST.
Maybe one day I will tell him. 


What do you think? Can she trust him?

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