Chapter Seventeen

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"I like your car interior," i looked around the car," leather, nice," i smiled and felt the soft cushiony seat and he glanced at me.


"So, aren't you gonna tell me where you're taking me?" I asked and he smiled.

"Nope, i told it's a surprise," he spoke and i smiled and sat back and started looking out the windiw at the cars passing by, one, by, one.

I never thought I'd ever come to this. Having such great friends and people who care about me. I never thought a boy could ever talk to me and i would be able to talk back, but things have changed for the good and I'm starting to think God remembers me.

"Here we are," i heard Brad and i looked ahead and i was amazed by what i saw. It look some what of a stadium. Wow.

"Oh my God," i looked around as Brad drove us in.

"I know right," he spoke as he parked.

"It's beautiful," i got out and closed the door. I stood looking in awe. It was an amazing sight. I've never been to one of these places before.

"It's really big, and pretty," i walked out more to looked right around turning in a spin as i looked. It was like a big donut with the green in the middle.

"Come," i heard then saw brad held out his hand towards me and i took it and he lead the way.

We soon climbed up the stairs and were now seated. I looked over at the green grass that just lit the place up along with the blue track. It was really a wonderful sight even from up this high.

"Why did you bring me here?" I looked over at brad.

"Well, i remembered when you said you've never been to a game so i thought bringing you here would give you a hit of what it looks like," he spoke and i smiled and sat back.

"That's sweet, thank you," i said and he shook his head.

"You don't have to, i wanted to do it," he spoke. He was a really sweet person.

"You know, i never really get why your mom hates me so much," i spoke looking out at the field.

"I've been trying to figure that out," he answered then sighed," she's been a real dick lately and i hate it," he spoke and i looked down at my legs.

"I'm sorry that i got you called to the office, it wasn't my intention....and it was my mom who did it," i said and he looked at me and i looked at him

"And i thought she was the good guy," he said and i smiled.

"She is, but i told her about Jesse and Monica and she told Mr. Barrett Jesse and his friends, and thats how you ended up getting called," i said and he looked away.

"Oh, ok," he said and we sat there quiet.

"So why don't you tell me about you?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Well, there's not much about me," i said.

"Come on," he smiled and i sat back.

"I don't like talking about those stuff," i said getting serious and he just kept smiling.

"Why?" He asked and i looked away from him.

"Come on, you can tell me," his smile slowly faded.

"That's private stuff, and i share with no one," i said and he sighed.

"Why won't you tell me?" He asked serious.

"I just don't like remembering," i said and he sighed and looked away from me.

"Ok, why'd i ask anyway," he sat back and i sighed.

"It's not like that Brad," i said and he didn't look at me.

"Then what is it?" He asked and i sighed.

"You wouldn't understand," i spoke and he ahook how his head.

"Ok it's your choice," he said and didn't look at me.

It was getting awkward and boring and i totally had nothing to say. We just sat there until i looked at him and he looked at me and i smiled and looked away and he smiled shaking his head and looked away.

"You know, when you do that it looks cute," he said and i blushed and tried not to look at him.

"I haven't done it in a long while until i met Casie, but mostly you," i looked at him and he was already looking at me and at that time i realized how close we were and he was straight into my eyes.

"I have never felt so drawn to someone as how I'm drawn to you," he confested and swallowed hard.

"Me too," i said and he smiled and came closer to me.

"I don't know how to explain it," he came even closer so i was now feeling his breath on my cheek and i closer my eyes.

"But it feels good," he spoke again and i felt his hand on the side of my face and i put my hands on his shoulders.

Soon his lips rubbed against mine and i shivered and i knew he was only teasing me. I have had alot of experience so no need to go slow Brad.

"I just wanna.." he began and his lips came closer by the second and i felt like i wanted to pull him towards me and make the kissing so easier.

"Hey! You two!" We heard a shout and pulled away," you not suppose to be in here," we saw a man on the other side of the stadium, looking like a security guard.

"Shit! Let's go," Brad got up and took my hand and we started down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" I asked trying to keep my balance.

"This is a guarded place and we aren't allowed in like this," he said as we approached the car.

"Then why did you bring me?" I asked but he just entered the car and i sighed and did the same.

He drove out quickly and i looked at him and shook my head. I felt a but angry. He brought me here and he knew it wasn't allowed. We could have gotten locked up.

The car was quiet until i decided to say something, it was just burning the inside of me.

"Why did you bring me there and you knew it wasn't allowed?" I asked and he didn't look at me.

"It doesn't matter ok," he said after a moment of silence.

"Yes it does, you did it for a reason, even when you knew it wasn't allowed," i said and he still didn't look at me but i saw when his jaw clenched.

"Just forget it," he said and i rolled my eyes and shook my head and sat back in the seat and that's when i realized the place had gotten dark so i checked the time, it was 5:46pm.

I figured Brad didn't know where i lived so i called David to come get me at the school where i told Brad to stop. I didn't want him to know where i lived, him nor anyone at school.

He stop and i watched as david drove up. I sat there in the car for a while and he sat back and sighed.

"Thanks for this evening....and...i think it's best we stay friends," i said and i got out before he could say anything and walked over to David and he drove away.

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