Chapter Thirteen

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Ally's P.O.V.
Casie and i walked into our Information Technology class right before the teacher and everybody laughed as we entered. I just ignored them and made my way over to a seat. It was a AC room filled with lots of computers.

"Just ignore them," casie touched my hand and gave me a warm smile so i smiled back with her.

"Ok class, turn on all monitors," our teacher walked to her desk and put her stuffs down.

"Did you guys see the posts on FB?" I heard a girl whispering to another.

"I'm gonna log in and show you," i heard her voice again and i turned and looked behind me to see what they were gonna look at. They didnt see me because their backs were turned to me.

I watched her login on the computer and she scrolled down on her timeline.

"That's it, it's also on IG too," she said and i looked at the monitor.

Omg. No no no no no. Please no. This is not happening.

"What's the matter?" I heard casie and she looked at what i was looking at.

"Omg, that's us," she gasped and i looked away and swaalowed hard. I'm not only a loser and a dork but also a....Lesbian??

"Who would do something like that?" Casie turned to me and i rolled my eyes at her in disbelief.

"Can't believe you would seriously ask a question like that," i looked away from her.

"......ohhhhhhh...Monica," she hit her head and i rolled my eyes.

"Sasha commented and said she wasn't the one that caught the pic but she should have been," the girl read out.

"Then there is Aleeki Fearon who commented too," the other girl spoke and i looked back to the monitor. There were lots of comments.

"Thanks to me," she spoke and looked at the other girl, "Oh my God, he's the one that took the pic," they laughed.

"Girls?" I heard the teacher and i turned around to see her standing on the other side of our table looking over at the other girls.

"Sorry miss," the girl quickly exit the page and act like she was doing nothing.

"Ee-hemm....," we heard through the speaker at the front of the class,"We are asking the following students to report to the principals office immedietely...Malcom Rogers, Jesse Miller, Tray Smith, Ryan Clover, Monica Farewell, Sasha Peart, Brad Collins and Ally Jackson," i was shocked when i heard some of the names that i never called.

"Miss.Jacskon report to the office," the teacher looked around and i looked at Casie and she looked at me weird. I knew she had no clue what was taking place but I'd talk to her later.

"I'll talk to you later," i got up and everyone looked at me then i made my way out.

I made my way to the office where i saw some adults. They all looked at me when i walked in and closed the door. They didn't look happy at all but then i saw mom heading over to me.

"Hey," she came and fixed my hair.

"Mom, why are all those people here?" I asked and she looked around at them. It was two men and five women.

"Oh, they're here to resolve this problem that we're having," she spoke and i looked at them one by one.

"Oh...," i said and she smiled at me.

Soon the door opened and in came Jesse and everyone else, so mom and i went to talk a seat. Jesse, Sasha, Monica, Malcom, two other boys and.....Brad, they all looked at me with hateful eyes except Brad, he looked ratherly confused.

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